Take notes Tranpa, you're watching a Master at his craft

23  2019-03-08 by iPadsFromPizzaFace


If there was ever proof there is no justice, it would be that Scorch never got the fame and money he deserves.

God bless him.

Look how much fun Bam's having here with Scorch. Compare that to the reaction videos we've been seeing all night because Bam realized his STUPID booker tried putting him on Ant's public access paywall show.

Take my upvote dude.


This video showcases what it's like to be a stand-up guy. An authentic guy. Even as much as an odd-ball Scorch is, he's 100000x a better man and 100000x happier than Sam, Jim, and Nana could ever be.


He's a good dude. The kind who wouldn't backstab a friend ever, or motherfuck someone.


Also fuck Sam to death. A mentor at your job is huge in life, and Scorch taught Sam everything he knew, introduced him to people, and did a lot for him only for Sam to backstab him and talk shit about him. Scorch 10000x deserves a show on Sirius instead of Jim and Sam. He's passionate, he loves what he does, and most importantly, the dude fucking CARES.