Not a child, child.

17  2019-03-08 by alphadromes


congrats? i am sure this kid wont end up like killakuhns spawn

Punch her until she miscarries, honey.

Two things:

  1. Life starts at conception.

  2. This is a Christian board.

I think you’re right about both of those things.

  1. Alzheimer's sucks.
  2. I am not a pedophile.



Oh sweetie it's just a bag of cells with a heartbeat that can react to various stimuli and if you think differently your opinion means nothing and you're probably a fascist, child.

And like every other fetus, it's not Fatrick's kid.

I don't understand how that tweet got such a following, it was just a variation of the Trolley problem. Let alone being smug about choosing the "correct" one to save.