"... and then Bam got so drunk he didnt show up on Ant's shit network, what kind of human garbage exploits a 20 year fake sex tape?"

53  2019-03-08 by iPadsFromPizzaFace


Tape is real. The Brotherman saw in his heart to forgive and lead Lyndsi away from the path that usually leads to getting bitten by a man who looks like the crypt keepers dad.

Nice try with the hate

Opie is a handsome man (no homo). Lyndsi is a lovely woman. They love each other. They have children. Lyndsi has never wanted to be in the spotlight. Opie has saved and invested his money wisely. Opie loves broadcasting, even doing it on a reduced scale. Sometimes Opie can be abrasive & his jokes can fall flat. Neither Opie or Lyndsi have been arrested for anything. Opie loves his siblings. Opie had/has a difficult relationship with his mother, but he still loves and respects her.

Compare & contrast to others.

He could have been a model you know.

I’m glad you mention Lynsi not seeking the spotlight. Literally every one of Anthony’s significant others has in one way or another Jennifer - called into the show, claimed credit for bits Melinda - Blew an intern to save a lobster, often crashed Ron and Fez Jill - To her credit, at least got her own fame without hitching herself to Tranth’s minuscule star Spider tits - Did porn Stetten - Model turned alleged comedian Dani - Autistic aspiring comedian (in reality a couch surfer) Bodybuilder - Starfucking her way through NFL free agent pool

What about Sue?

Porn star.

Spider tits?


Porn name or link please

When did Jennifer call the show? And what bits did she take credit for?

Back when they were married, she did the Allison Stern thing. And when they got divorced, she took credit to get more money.

bam shoots hot loads in lynsis ears and asshole

in the meantime, opie molests children. 100% confirmed

Always showing respect for his mentors (Wease bracelet), unlike Sam and his treatment of Scorch. Sam = not PFG.

Wease might be one of the worst voices on radio with absolute shit opinions on anything political but he was a guy on the radio and he inspired Opie to be somebody.

This triggers Anth because it’s a picture of a happy white couple

"I want that but there's always a fucking nigger in the picture"

Keep lying to yourselves, you’re as desperate as Tits. Keep fucking that skateboarder’s tramp if she’ll still let you, Greggory. I’m sure your money buys her silence and acceptance of your weak seed after Bam is done giving her the goods.

I’d like to think this is Professor Joe Curia’s attempt at a hurtful & witty reply. However, the absence of spelling and grammatical errors make me believe it’s not him.

I’d like to think this is Professor Joe Cumia’s attempt at a hurtful & witty reply. However, the absence of numerous spelling and grammatical errors make me believe it’s not him.

Joe is a bigger faggot that Tits is. But I’m not so retarded that all of a sudden I’ll excuse “the brothaman” for being a complete piece of detritus for years upon years. The “bit” is a bit disgusting, to be honessswhichya

Even if she did bang Bam (which she obviously didn't) who gives a shit? Everyone's girl banged someone before you met her unless you have an unfuckable trog for a wife.

Beautiful Aryan couple.

Anths choice in women is somewhat questionable.

In the efforts to get a 'low maintenance' partner, he just gets

'low character'.

Porn star.