I'm sure Jim wouldn't request a picture together if he saw a celebrity at AA

123  2019-03-07 by bovinebrain


Was this about the picture of Lady Di Throwing up in Rehab? That picture was floating around Twitter

He is secretly hoping that someone will realize that’s him in the AA meeting after this and ask for his picture. Not a single person has though. That or someone who was actually famous got a photo request at a meeting and made morton jealous.

He thinks being in AA is like being in the Super Friends.


Always the moral authority in the room

This doesn't qualify as a tough one.

This tweet was preceded by a deep inhale and a self righteous lip smack

It always made me want to strangle him, the way he'd refuse to mention AA by name. The people are meant to be anonymous, not the organization, you stupid fuck.

Well yea but if you say or show so and so is in aa, then they aren't anonymous.

Not that I care, sobriety is for faggots and aa is for pussy faggots who can't quit on their own. But still, he isn't wrong this one time

Nice completely missed point, stupid

Heh. I was only jokin'

No. No you weren't

...sobriety is for faggots

You meant that. So own it.

Shut the fuck up

Ok sir

Beta male fuckface


Ew, he did that??

He's doing it in this tweet.

yes he did, there is a clip of it.

A scumbag in a 12 step meeting? That seems unlikely.

Step 9 is when you go around telling everyone how you motherfucked them in the past

Or maybe they're an alcoholic with many problems and are little out of touch because of it

you’re a fraud Norton, no one believes you had a dark past.

He did have a dark past including being molested by older boys, he just wasn’t an alcoholic

He abused drugs when he was a teenager. Completely unique experience.

He never said he was molested. In every story he told, he was pretty much willing and looking forward to it. He’s not a victim, just a (below) average faggot.

He sold his soul to the devil, signed it in his own blood maaan!

The only reason Jim pretends to be an alcoholic is so he can get away with attending those meetings. He's infatuated with celebrities and is only there as a means to get closer to them and use them for contacts/gigs.

been saying this for years

wish someone called him on it

And if there are none around, he can fall back on chasing depressed starlets with real alcohol problems.

It's spelled sccccccumbag

Remember how whenever a caller would say Jim was a dry drunk, he would explode with rage

All those comments saying how funny jimmy is, jesus nice fans.

fuck AA. and fuck jim norton's hot take on what strangers can do with cameras.

Nobody knows who you are Jim

Ugh. You're not a fucking alcoholic faggot.

You drank on several occasions during your junior year of high school - all 5ft 3 inches and 100 pounds of you frank liquor real fast a few times - and to your surprise, u blacked out.

And the stories of Ozzy's real alcoholism sounded like a way for you to connect with your idol....the same reason u embrace this recovery bullshit as an adult - makes you feel like the troubled, brooding comedic artist....

Just another phony fucking page in the Story of a Wormy Faggot: James Norton

The worst part is that he drank for maybe a year when he was a teenager and now has at least thirty years “sober” but still feel the need to go to meetings to maintain his sobriety. Weak fuck.

I don't even know another human with less substance, as a person, than Jim Norton.

I fuckin love that Stanhope called him out on that shit

If you're at a 12 step meeting you're a total scumbag.

What about if you exchange money for sex with a crack smoking pregnant hooker?

Jim had to apologize to everyone he wronged with his alcoholism such as, uh,

his definition of anonymous is not to mention the words "alcoholics anonymous" whenever you talk about AA..

If you are not really an addict but there for the purpose of appearing complex and troubled: you are a scumbag. Those people were shooting up using puddle water 6 months ago, Worm. Not still processing their junior year of high school when they got drunk on the weekends

So you were homeless and resorted to selling your body to maintain a smack habit? wild hand flailing

I can relate to that one man, this one time I cried when I was a tipsy teenager and drunk dialed somebody, I feel we have commonalities.

Whatever happened to that thing (AA) Jim “would never speak about on air or otherwise!”?

God why is he still talking about and going to those meetings? He was a young dude and drank too much. You don’t need to go to AA everyday.

It’s not like you get actual therapy there anyway. It’s just people talking about how they screwed their life’s up from drinking. It’s depressing and does nothing for you.

Attention everyone with a camera? What?

who would do such a thing?

like he goes to fucking meetings for anything other than feeling better than. fucking princess

When was the last time this dry drunk even went to a meeting?

Ok sir

No. No you weren't

...sobriety is for faggots

You meant that. So own it.