I was in IKEA today and ordered a hotdog from their restaurant. They just gave me the bun and dog and I had to go to a different station and add all my own sauces. It was then when I realized how ironic it was that...

31  2019-03-07 by Ant_Sucks

.. I am not a female comedian otherwise I would have turned that shitty anecdote into a whole bit.

I then came home and jerked off to pictures of Kelsey Cook.


“You guys ever go to IKEA?”

thunderous applause

“Isn’t it great? I love IKEA” (twirls hair, makes a goofy face) “but do I really need to build my own hotdogs?”

raucous laughter

“I mean, what am I, an engineer?” (jiggles tits)

standing ovation

"You can build the fucking HERRÖRTS cabin in under two hours but you can't find my g-spot?

Audience laughing and female wooing intensifies

You were at an Ikea?Did your parents have any children that were straight?

Serves you right for eating hotdogs

I was so drunk at Ikea last night I bought a hot dog but then I realized it was my garage door opener!

gets opening slot for Jams Morden

"I got to the second half of your post and I was like, uhmmmmmm, really? This is what you're going with? This here? [stirring-drink-with-finger gesture] Is all? Ohhhhh-kaaaaaayyy. I think we all know who the virgin in this story is, don't we? Mmmmmm-hmmmmm. Aaaaanywaaay so—"


Well you missed a trick. The meatballs there are much better

I mean, I knew when you come to Ikea you have to expect some assembly but this is getting out of hand, can I pay one of the Mexicans outside the store to assemble this too?... So I try to get some mustard and wouldn't you know it, the dispenser squirts all over my chest, now, I'd like to say that was the first time I had a thick salty liquid shot on my chest, but..holds for applause

"They have tried to make things more authentically Swedish. Now when you walk in, a pack of Muslims rapes you."

A comedy routine the whole family can enjoy!

"Let me repeat that laughter...I had to go to ANOTHER station laughter... to GET...all the sauces I wanted... "

scrunches face, raises hand in WTF gesture, raucous laughter

"....is that where we are in society? laughter...going somewhere ELSE to get what we want?"

she waits a beat, audience fills room with wild laughter and applause

In the same special


slow but thunderous applause, writers can be heard in background typing away think pieces, producers start submitting Emmy considerations

I love these lessons.