Why do Blacks hate when they are referred to as ''people'' ?

4  2019-03-07 by bobodid911

I am foreign and this baffles me. I have seen this in countless movies and sitcoms. It usually goes like this --- ''...you people sure know how to dance'' ...''WHADDYA MEAN! YOU PEOPLE ????''


Foreigners aren't people

What type of foreign, the classy Scandinavian/hot chick type foreign or the florescent green cardigan wearing/unkempt nose hair type foreign?

Russian , so I guess the second type.

There's a road to redemption for all of us friend.

Leave earlier next time and you wont have a problem.

I've only met 1st type russians and ukrainians so far, and liked them a lot.

youre kidney wasnt stolen?

They're all of good families and would probably spit on the kidney of an historical enemy.

Initially, because it was dismissive and referred to stereotypes. But since the 90’s it’s mostly just echoing those bits of pop culture, I figure.

'90s is right.

It was suddenly decided that the phrase was forbidden when Ross Perot said it one time. Clinton campaign sent out the talking point. Everyone obeyed. One day it's fine, the next day it's worse than screaming "nigger" at a baby.

I think that was the first time I felt insane.

Always been fascinating how much into Clinton they are. That's basically why Sanders lost. Why do blacks love corporate democrats ao much? Really odd.

I think the Clinton’s charm over black voters has been overstated for years (Bill was unquestionably better at schmoozing the black voters than any previous president, but it was mostly smoke and mirrors; PR) and that it’s mostly down to demographics, specifically the urban density of the “black vote” and the 6+ decade entrenched civil society connections between urban black voters and the mainstream D party—the churches, community boards, unions.

dismissive and referred to stereotypes. You see, HOW is referring to a group of people as people stereotyping? It's almost like saying that some of them aren't people and would be offended.

Just that by referring to a group as “you people” followed by a character trait is literally what stereotyping means.

I’m not making a value judgement on it or justifying any offense, just saying what the words mean.

got it now! Stereotyping is always bad IF non whites are involved. French people are good cooks, Germans are punctual, Russians are aggressive drunks, Whites are oppressors.

Got it.

No, I thought I was clear that I wasn’t making any judgements on it, and certainly didn’t say that, you aggressive drunk!

Hehehe You see, Stereotypes are often true

Wait until you realise that 'colored person' is offensive but 'person of color' isn't. Fucking stupid arbitrary word policing.