Reminder: Anthony “Still Hilarious” Cumia put a ‘not’ joke in his book.

46  2019-03-07 by pashow84


Anthony Cumia is kind to children and doesn’t rape them — Not!

AntH's World! AntH's World! Tranny time! Where the fuck is my Gun?!? FUCK!

I know its been discussed to death here but his book is so poorly written. It's basically a rough draft of a book, at best. It's written like he has brain damage. Just random, meandering thoughts roughly formed into paragraphs, sprinkled with terrible, hacky humor.

It's a testament to Anthony's immense ego. He really thought that he could just wing it and create gold, much like his terrible show. I think all of those years of being able to just show up to a job and half ass it and have idiots kiss your ass got into Nana's head and convinced him that he is a lot more clever than he really is.

I'd love to know what those two ghost writers actually contributed. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Ant just asked if he could slap their names on the cover in a desperate attempt to give that pamphlet some credibility.

He's such a lazy fucking nigger.

Knowing how Nana does things, I am assume the ghost writers were Bobo and Big A. On the slight chance that Anthony hired actual, professional ghost writers, then they must have thought this nonsense is so far beneath them that they skimmed through his ramblings and said "Yeah good enough." Anybody with actual writing skills would have their head spinning around trying to read this childish nonsense.

They just knew Anthony would be stupid enough to pay them 80k for 6 hours of work

I don’t remember much of the discussions about this book but did this idiot just wing writing a book himself? He didn’t have a ghost writer that spoke with him?

No, he hired a pair of comedians as ghostwriters, both nobodies.

Oh thank God! I was worried for a second that he hired some people who have written 15mins of material in their lives to do open mics for the past 5 years and had no experience in biographical writing!

Anthony Cumia is attracted to naturally born women - not.

Very nice, I like

He’s still hilarious—not.

Let's not avoid bit of data that living with his dad made Joe more savvy and better educated. What was he before? A monkey banging on rocks?

Whatever happened to the audio version of the book? He had posted pics of himself recording it in his theatre with Paul Mercurio.

What would be worse do you think, reading that pile of shit, or listening to that pile of shit narrate that pile of shit?

Shit on top of shit on top of shit. The book itself was pamphlet sized, I would be curious as to how long the audio book would have been? And the motivation behind going through the motions of writing, releasing, and recording the fucking thing. Asshole couldn't even finish one book signing....why does he keep embarassing himself? Juicin Joe and AntH seem to have no shame whatsoever.

Is the joke that Joe is not straight

freudian slip

Party on, Tranth!

That book was gonna be his nest egg

He had to settle for another egg.

That book was such a lazy cash grab.

"-not" good one Wayne Campbell.

Reading Anthony’s book sounds unbearable, but reading a chapter about Brother Joe that Anthony wrote would make me want to kill myself.

He had to settle for another egg.