Ah the ol Von treatment

36  2019-03-07 by alphadromes


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Fuck you.

What am I missing here, how does a guy that died months ago tweet from a verified account?

Just like von did with patrices twitter, people are using his name, face and legacy to shill shit.

Yeah I'm sure he would be deeply offended to have his name attached to Captain Marvel.

Thats not the point

Yes it is, stupid.

oh ok then sorry

Thats not the point

Jews never die, they just go to hell and regroup.

Guaranteed a bunch of old faggot minded jews were laughing like diabolical masterminds the second he died.

That's gruesome. The account's handlers should have let it die when he did.

NO, HE'S DEAD! He was very badly raped, you see


Wasn't he held captive by some people who ran him in the last years of his life?

Lovely people.

I don't care the whole genre he was involved in is shit.

They just mute everyone tweeting back you're dead?

Ain't this nigga dead?