Remember guys, put positive reviews so they don’t get deleted. Nice try with the hate tho.

48  2019-03-06 by RBuddCumia


They won't care about it if all the reviews are positive. But it's best to mix it in with some positive reviews that mention his pedophilic antics.

"As a member on the local chapter of NAMBLA, I am overjoyed that an open minded and progressive place like Shamrock Pub & Grill hosts one of our very own Joe Cumia. Going forward I'm going to suggest all our meetings to be held at this fine establishment." - Patrick Tomlinson

That's a good angle


Logan Lynn always fights for social justice.

Use any of this

Joe had better pray something distracts this subreddit soon or this will turn into another Tally Ho / Ducks on the Ave situation. This place has been stagnating and getting Joe banned from another venue is pretty much the only thing we've got going.

As long as Joe gets gigs I will do all in my power to get them cancelled. This RACISM cannot stand!


He got any old anti-Irish tweets?

Nice to see Joe get called out by a real singer-songwriter.

I like the thought of simple tom foolery to motherfuck a faggot double earring pussy

Have to remove this. Using Reddit to organize a off site attack will only make it easier for admins to shut us down.