The biggest of them all

12  2019-03-06 by Thyrox



Clay Aiken

The Amazing Atheist is up there too

Amazing atheist filmed himself shoving a banana up his ass for a "girl"

Gavin did it to “own the libs”

Not sure who to like here.

Obviously both of them. Hard to find a bad "shove a banana up your ass" reason.

I used to hate him but he's reasonably likeable now, never thought I'd see the day.

Isn't this the guy that bought a homeless man food after the cake stomp video?

that seems quite nice

It would be if he told no one about it. He made a video telling everyone how great of a guy he is for it.

Hm seems gay

And he didn't even buy it for him, it was his restaurant leftovers.

Yeah he was acting like a morally outraged faggot too. So annoying.

Is that porsalin?

Yeah, I hate Radiohead too.

Oh look... another grownup that collects toys

Not a picture of Casey Neistat.

Amazing atheist filmed himself shoving a banana up his ass for a "girl"

I used to hate him but he's reasonably likeable now, never thought I'd see the day.