Say what you will about Rogan, but unlike Anthony: He took the criticism he suffered over the Jack Dorsey interview seriously. He scheduled another one with Dorsey and one of his directors, and bought Tim Pool into the mix, who threw the both of them a beating for 3 hours.

121  2019-03-06 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Tim Pool fucking sucks and I don't give a shit about Twitter bans

Doesn't matter what you think, fag. The point is: Would ANTHONY try to correct this issue people had with one of his interviews, like Joe has? Or would he just blame us for not getting it, and never admit fault?

Would ANTHONY try to correct this issue people had with one of his interviews, like Joe has? Or would he just blame us for not getting it, and never admit fault?

When podcasts premiered, the big ones were Adam Carolla and Marc Maron. I think they're fading into obscurity because they have no self-awareness. Rogan seems to be genuinely invested in keeping his audience happy.

Didn't that old biddy lose a show a few weeks ago then promise to make up the time in 10 minute increments? Then didn't?

the person you're talking to is a ChapoTrapHouse guy who found cumtown through them and then found this sub through cumtown. He won't recognize ona lore.

anth needs to have dick spray guy on again to atone for his mistake

8===D~~~ ): <----- you getting jizzed on, faggot.

That shoa'd him

WE get it, your family had to swim here and you dislike white people discussing the direction of their countries and the systems they use. You can just ignore it and make me a fucking burrito or something though, it really isn't for you. White people debates tend to extend beyond whether to murder the current high chief with a burning tyre or a ceremonial machete. Just human things yknow

i'm white retard, lmao i just don't give a shit about twitter drama. i've been banned like 6 times from that website, who gives a shit

Wow, this Tim Pool guy takes Twitter seriously. Nice nose ring, Jack Dorsey. My diagnosis: all faggots.

I concur.

No I agree, but here's the thing: When you grill Twitter like this, you're grilling the entirety of Silicon Valley, who are now calling more shots in our day-to-day lives than every before. No one is able to hold them accountable publicly, and they can just continue acting how they want. So shit like this, even if it is delivered by faggots, needs to happen.

You think the "left" likes silicon valley? Do you mean like, nancy pelosi?

Kikes, faggots, trannies, nigs.. The odd bits and pieces that assemble the left. Yep, it's a race to the bottom in silicon Valley to promote the human refuse. A competition between severely depressed multi millionaires over who can evaporate their own existence from the universe the most, headed by vocal fried Valley sounding street shitters. Yup


I bet you’re a real Anglo success story and an absolute pillar of the community

Sadly not - I'm irish 👍

None of this means anything. Half of silicon valley are dipshit libertarian ayn rand fetishists and the other are shitlib obamacrats

You may think I'm crazy all I want is you but seriously now the cars lyrics aside you will probably think I'm being a troll hater or hater hater masturbator sarcastic prick but I give you my word on my honour I'm not being a sarcastic ass. I mice elf am of Scots English descent and your words truly swell my bosom with Anglo saxon pride. I just wonder if your really so confident they will self implode or dont they require some assistance from these people they so transparently hate but at the same time fear pushing too too far away because well no shit we are consumers too and while we may not have as much disposable income as the sodomites and the kind of people who work in wig stores and do local commercials showing themselves jumping into pools wearing wigs, we have more disposable income then the other two groups.

Well whatever man I'm pretty sure William the conqueror (or William the bastard depending on your point of view) said it best when he opined over the mutilated corpse of his fallen foe King Harold Godwinson, "you can lead a twitter exec liberal to a Texas line dance but you cant make 'em lynch theyselfs." And all his vassals, retainers and even his standard bearer little ralphis mcnorton who was the ancestor of Jim of house Norton (their sigil is a fat worm on a field of shit brown) cried aloud tears of joy

yeah im not reading that pal

headed by vocal fried Valley sounding street shitters

the whole thing really seemed like sketch comedy setup

You jew quote the media and in the same sentence say "the Left." Are you a complete imbecile or just 90% imbecilic?

he said

and [twitter moderators and algorithm writers] can just continue acting how they want (while backed by the (((media))) and the entirety of the Left)

checks out

Both "the Left" and "the Right" are the jews. Trupm is a jew. You simpleton.

Having read the single reply to you, can you elaborate on the point you think you're making?

assraped "um its a private company sweety" downvote gang assemble on this man

Conservatives trying to regulate private companies when they start to be affected proves they're as disingenuous as the leftists they're always whining about.

tim pool isn't a "Conservative" and that term doesn't depict the alt-right figures who are being primarily targeted

not much sense rehashing it, these arguments got blown out for 3 hours right to their face and everyone saw it happen

He’s not a conservative but he’s clearly another grifter who realized how easy it is to siphon money from right wing idiots

he's getting death threats and is decreasing his employability/ability to pull a well salaried job or advance in the journalism world by doing this and is aware of it

Lol antifa

yeah like inverse proud boys but they use bats, bricks, and bike locks instead of fists, and they usually get cleared or diminished sentencing when caught

Mean Streets (2019)

I feel like a fucking faggot just typing the word antifa to be honest.

i know, it can be a boogeyman and it's not one monolitich group, but it is real and if one or several of the 'cells' organize after you it can make your life difficult and your social/professional at risk. he knows this and is going through it, so "grifter" seems less likely and sounds like a cope excuse to try to dismiss him

You sound like a hysterical grandma who watches foxnews all day. It’s the internet obsessed bowl cut autists ya gotta watch out for these days. All that proud boys/antifa bullshit is manufactured LARPING for privileged young men desperate for a social group

fox news is boomer neocon retardation and you show your intellectual limit by making that comparison to me, other than that i don't disagree with anything you said

I just know that foxnews hypes antifa up like that so I made fun of you for being a nana. You sound absolutely terrified by them and their chainz (yeah I wrote that word with a z cuz it’s just funnier that way, like a 130 lb antifa kid and they call him “Chainz” and he’s actually quite skilled with chains cuz he used to goth/cyber rave and he turned in his glow sticks for a chain once the Great War started)


it's not one monolithic group but it is real and if one or several of the 'cells' organize after you it can make your life difficult and your social/professional at risk.

In Oregon, it's bizarre how Antifa is just "out in the open." Guys using their real names to actively try and ruin people's lives, and Oregonians are like "no problem, they're just fighting the fash."

Meanwhile, someone from Antifa was recently shot to death when he brought a gun to school.

It's just a matter of time until Antifa goes from doxxing peole to executing people.

and Oregonians are like "no problem, they're just fighting the fash."

so are nyt, wapo, and slate, salon, huffpo, and dozens more pump out 100s of 1000s of words worth of 'think pieces' justifying them. they are 'counter protestors', not domestic terrorists or far-left. also alex soros (george's millennial son) helps pay legal fees when they get busted.

i recommend you google Judge Perlman and Meyer Lansky. it's the same thing.

so are nyt, wapo, and slate, salon, huffpo, and dozens more pump out 100s of 1000s of words worth of 'think pieces' justifying them. they are 'counter protestors', not domestic terrorists or far-left. also alex soros (george's millennial son) helps pay legal fees when they get busted.

i recommend you google Judge Perlman and Meyer Lansky. it's the same thing.

IIRC, you're in Vegas right? I used to live there, so I love Meyer Lansky stories. I think it's fascinating how the Mormon Church was allied with the mob.

oh its funny how 'progressive' they are up there when the reason it is what it is (crime free, clean, low corruption) is a direct effect of this

As someone who was actually born in the Pacific Northwest, I can assure you that all the shitheads wailing about how awful white people are, those people largely came from California. Basically 25% of the people that live in Seattle and Portland are people that couldn't 'cut it' in California, so they moved to a cheaper locale, then started whining that their new home wasn't enough like California, so they start trying to change it.

no not in Vegas, but I often make fun of a podcast host on cumtown whose Jewish parents moved there after apartheid ruined their native South Africa (thats another story). soon as they got here they he started supporting democrat/socialist shit that ruined the country they just fled from.

this is humorously applicable to what Californians are doing in Oregon if what you say is true

I'm not talking about Tim Pool specifically. Regulating silicon valley because it arbitrarily has "too much power" has become a pretty mainstream talking point from the right.

Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter and other leading technology companies are joining with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the world’s leading organization combating anti-Semitism and hate of all kinds, to establish a Cyberhate Problem-Solving Lab to counter the growing amount of hate speech online. Engaging engineers and focused on technical solutions, the companies and ADL will collaborate to exchange ideas, investigate areas of common risk and opportunity, and seek to devise new approaches to identify and address cyberhate.


a team of researchers tagged comments as hateful or not, based on a third-party definition of what constitutes hate speech, then let the algorithms running the program learn from the hateful comments. Machine learning means a program learns to discern patterns from the input it’s given, rather than being “told.”

The next steps for the project include refining the machine learning process to identify not only “hateful” or “not hateful” comments, but also categories of hateful comments, as well as improving accuracy. But even at this early stage, the results can help the ADL and tech companies better understand how online haters think

The ADL is using AI to identify online hate speech

Sounds legit!

I'm not saying the right is wrong to say that tech companies should be regulated. They're just hypocrites who bend their own rules whenever it suits them.

Basically everyone with strong political beliefs is a hypocrite. I’ve yet to meet one who wasn’t.

The entire left and entire media backs twitter? When did this happen?

I mean its inarguable the mainstream media loves Twitter, news outlets have actual Twitter feeds on their shows and use tweets like sources.

The left, the media and twitter are all synonyms. If you don't recognize this, you're probably brown.

The left, the media and twitter are all synonyms.

That's legitimately one of the dumbest things I've ever read.

If I were to poll the social opinions and leanings of individuals at all levels in each of those three things I mentioned, do you think there would be a lot of variation or some reasonably even distribution?


Math is hard 🤷

The media and Silicon Valley are corporate left, which really isn’t leftist at all.

True. Good luck with your barista commune. I think I'm kind of left too. A socialist in some ways, nationally speaking.


Yes, we must seize the means of production from the (((capitalists))).

i did a quadruple take to see if he was actually trying to distinguish them

you're a retard lol

Silicon Valley, who are now calling more shots in our day-to-day lives than every before.

Not really. If you’re a grown man you shouldn’t really be spending much time on social media. Fuckin losers like Tim Pool assume we all value Twitter as much as he does which for me is not the case. Facebook is for old people, Twitter is for dumb people, and Instagram is for hot broads. How exactly are they running are lives?

In the same way that people like JP Morgan or Carnegie basically ran the country with their money back in the day before everything became restricted, these tech billionaires are doing the same thing. I do agree that social media is a fucking joke but you can't deny that your average person is on that shit now and it's a way bigger part of their life than it should be.

Silicon Valley has influence on advertisement, and the fact that social media has made corporate policy bullshit apart of your every day life. Silicon Valley is directly correlated with politics, propaganda, and the way people are living their day to day lives. Even if you don't participate in social media, I bet the amount of conversations you have that revolve around social media would surprise you.

They don't need grown men to thrive and spread their tentacles. As long as they lock down pre-teens to 20 somethings, they'll do fine. And I'm not necessarily talking about Twitter as it is apparent that more than half the accounts/followers are bots.

Facebook is for old people, Twitter is for dumb people, and Instagram is for hot broads.

And Reddit is for fucking retards.

If you’re a grown man you shouldn’t really be spending much time on social media

hurr durr kiddos dontcha know what's important in life not internet points but pussy and beer after a hard day of working w your hands hurr durr im a retard. Hey, real quick buddy? Delete your reddit profile. Can make another one in 2 seconds, don't even need an email. So to buttress your point, delete your reddit profile. Thought not, nigger. Absolute faggot.

they aren't going to bring world peace back on the air no matter how angry you get at perceived minorities online

Christ you homos really love assigning overblown value and influence to mundane organizations. No one is persecuting you, you wannabe victim.

It's one of the main places for discussion and info dissemination online.

I was way more "In the know" about things when I was on Twitter, but it was also a big source of stress and frustration. Better off without it.

Damb you're cool

Do you have a cold?

its not a cowld awrite

No, you're lying. Hey you're lying man

No it's my voice.

Nice shirt, stupid.

thank you doctor

My diagnosis: all faggots.

This is the only correct answer.

As a fellow professional I should like to concur with your diagnosis. Faggotitis Fuckitis Uptheassitis of the body soul and mind. What's your recommended treatment, good sir? 6 bags of fire China white with a side of wholesome yayo or do you propose a less traditional therapy? Homopathic perhaps?

Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Kratom!!!

I think he's a full on aspie. I saw a few minutes of some interview with him today and he must have mentioned being part Korean 20 times in a monotone.

Should have brought Fatrick on to debate, childs.

not a fanboy and not into mma or his comedy but i've always liked Rogan and never understood the serious hate him many give him

"Say what you will about Rogan"

He's a retarded, gay midget.

Still love the fucker.

Also you said what you will.

I admire that.

Kiss him.

Slurp slop other kids sounds

That what you want baybeh?

Yes, it is. I came twice. Thank you.

I can’t stand Tim Pool and his midget anger. Just shave the head dude.

So fucking annoying. I found myself rooting for the executives just so he’d shut up. Not everyone lives life exclusively through Twitter. People like him can’t understand this and think we are all running around screaming in fear about who Twitter bans

Tim Pool can’t understand nuance. He’s soo embedded in all of this gay shit that he thinks it makes the world go round. He’s an excitable little faggot that needs a new hobby. I’m so tired of people crying about the suppression of their ‘ideas’ when they don’t have any of their own in the first place. By the way, the execs made good points and Tim couldn’t even use those as a jumping off point to find some common ground and maybe get them to see things from his side. He came across as such a conversational amateur in the Rogan ep using a combative tone to look good in those YouTube clip videos. Tims a transparent fool that thinks hanging around a bunch of middle class kids throwing things at each other on the streets is somehow being on the frontlines of human violence. It’s larping, that’s all it is

Or at least take off the stupid beanie. Fucking faggot trying to cultivate a "look".

Had to bring along his curry peddling lawyer to adequately deflect questions. God this shit was infuriating to listen to. They will not admit that they have a bias.

its weird that most comments are angry leftists deflecting from Tim Pool (some fag but he objectively owned them) instead of addressing her creepy, failed attempt at damage control

Curry shit.

"Leftist? Bias? I'm not familiar with these words."

I sure love how we're just another KotakuInAction half of the time now.

Sargon watching queers.

soon the top post will be about the censored outfits in bravely second with some sort of feed nana joke thrown in

I sure love how we're just another KotakuInAction half of the time now.

Turns out that fans of a show that were routinely fired for offending people are supporters of free speech.

supporters of free speech

You spelled "child pornography" wrong.

Or do you want to ask r/Drama and KiwiFarms why they aren't as big of "supporters of free speech"?

Hate to break it to you, but 95% of us are fans of free speech. If you're not, you're posting on the wrong sub.

You big into cartoon kiddy porn for "free speech"?

Look, I get it, you post on Politics every day and you think that calling someone a Racist / Rapist / Misognyist / Bigot / Transphobe is how you wing arguments.

That shit just doesn't work here. Go back to ChapoTrapHouse with that shit.

I call kidfuckers kidfuckers because of their well documented history of defending cartoon kiddy porn.

Say "blue checkmarks!" next, you nonce.

I call kidfuckers kidfuckers because of their well documented history of defending cartoon kiddy porn.

Say "blue checkmarks!" next, you nonce.

Guilt by Association is a logical fallacy, you dunce. That's the problem with ChapoFags, you spend too much time learning about gender pronouns and not enough time learning about logic. By your logic, this sub is guilty of child murder because one of our members stole a soundbar and killed his own kid.

Go back to Politics, you're in the wrong sub.

Do you mean to tell me you don't defend KiAs freedom of kiddyporn? Not very Liberalist of you, 'pede.

Do you mean to tell me you don't defend KiAs freedom of kiddyporn? Not very Liberalist of you, 'pede.

I know this is difficult to comprehend, but every sub on Reddit has a few terrible people on it. The idea that KiA endorses pedophilia is absurd, and you know it, but you're just parroting ChapoTrapHouse talking points.

The idea that KiA endorses pedophilia is absurd

Chapo Chapo Chapo! What's the matter, saving "NPC" for when things get really heated?

I just linked them calling for blood because they're having their loli porn shitcanned. KiA is renown for their ability to turn any topic into a heated rally for loli porn. KiA are kidfuckers, and by trying to deny it, you too are a kidfucker.

KiA are kidfuckers, and by trying to deny it, you too are a kidfucker.

Once again with the 'guilt by association.'

Why do you hang out in this sub again? Are you a masochist?

Why do you hang out in this sub again?

Because I follow the people involved in it. You're sitting here like this place was set up as "another front in our long fought culture war!"

This isn't The_Donald you fucking prick. If you knew the first goddamn thing about the show which this subreddit was set up to discuss, you'd realize that the majority of posters here don't have a lot of time for dirty fucking pedophiles.

Have a look around, you ignorant fucking cunt, before you decide to go off half cocked.

you'd realize that the majority of posters here don't have a lot of time for dirty fucking pedophiles

I called out OP and the rest of the people trying to hype the faggot for being KiA regulars and they all panicked, knowing full well KiA is a pedo board.

Sympathize with KiA? You're a kidfucker. Trying to hype KiA celebrities "because free speech reasons!"? You're still a kidfucker.

Oh no, it's retarded.

Epic memeing, 'pede.

You're a fucking simple minded faggot.

Well I'd love to educate myself! Do you have any Sargon of Akkad videos I could study up on? No less than 45 minutes please, fellow red-pilled alpha!

Would ya?

Heheheh ya now that dude was funny, real contributor.

God damnit I hate internet people

Wow we are sure learning about what parts of the internet you spend all your time in, you weird ass fag.

Methinks slurs can cut deep into you and your family's souls, so I understand why you're reluctant to support "free speech". You gotta go back, buddy.


Idk what the fuck KIA is. Sargon is fucking faggot shit. You are also a faggot and the stuff you like is faggot shit. Faggot.

Idk what the fuck KIA is. Sargon is fucking faggot shit.

Strange that you got absolutely triggered by that comment and called KotakuInAction "KIA" then.

Look at the fucking thread, its him saying this sub defends it a hundred fucking times. It's the first time I've ever seen it and I still have no idea what it is. Get this gay ass politics shit out of here.

Oh, I didn't see that he was being a faggot. You were right and I was wrong.

You gotta show me your cock if you want forgiveness

not really a beating

He didn't do shit about the criticism for licking Schumer's twat. He gained 4 mil subs after the Dorsey interview despite everyone in the comments saying they unsubscribed. Negative publicity is good publicity, which I'm sure his sponsor's shareholders are fully aware of...

So nope, still a faggot.

Pool wasn't bitched out. There's a lot of social pressure in situations like that to try and reach a consensus or middle ground.

He's not cool or funny, but he has integrity. I don't need or want journalists to be "entertaining" like John Oliver.

It's weird seeing so much resentment for an independent voice speaking truth to power, taking on a corporation with massive influence. The left is getting very strange.

But she sounds and acts as a toxic passive-aggressive long-term girlfriend, with all those rhetorical questions and indignation.

Tim is a lying cocksucker that will change the narrative and sides for shekels.

again, not knowing who tim pool is, all I judged him on is HOW he talked to the twitter folks, if they made a good point he rarely admitted it, would jump to AND ANOTHER THING!! WHAT ABOUT THIS??? he seemed angry, not all there and wasted a good opportunity IMHO to actually discuss things. It was clear that half the things he was angry about were due to him jumping to conclusions and not knowing the facts that lawyer threw at him.

Listen out for how many times he started his counter points: "so so so so so".

I think I might know who prepared him for this shit.

I felt like he was pulling out case after case of how they are biased

They would explain away his one example well, then he'd go, "what about this..." And this...and this...

That's why almost every clip ends with the woman saying, "that's a good point, we need to work harder moving forward..."

Which is corporate/publicity speak for "I have no defense and I ran out of deflections"

do you ever think about how YOU would do it? you gotta realize twitter just now turned profit, so since day 1 they couldn't afford a labor force of 30,000 indians to check every complaint of some faggots trying to ban someone from both sides, algorithms and AI are buzzwords for "we'll get it right 60% of the time" , this stuff is brand new, no one has ever done it on this scale. That kid came across as a whining entitled ass

do you ever think about how YOU would do it?

No. I don't. I also don't own a billion dollar company. If I did, I'd probably be motivated come up with something.

you gotta realize twitter just now turned profit, so since day 1 they couldn't afford a labor force of 30,000 indians to check every complaint of some faggots trying to ban someone from both sides, algorithms and AI are buzzwords for "we'll get it right 60% of the time"

Yeah, easy fox. I wouldn't ban people for buzzwords.

But, if I was some faggot bird company that wanted to pretend to be fair and balanced, I would use my algorithm to account for straight white males.

this stuff is brand new, no one has ever done it on this scale, you want automated systems to interpret all nuances of all world languages? sarcasm? jokes? intent? sure one day, maybe in 20 years.

Sure, and on that day: still don't ban people for fucking WORDS

It's a great example of why no one-body should have control over speech. You can't measure intent and you shouldn't try to.

That kid came across as a whining entitled ass

At least he isn't defending a social networking app that got a PR ass-fucking on some retarded midget's radio show.

He came across as autistic. Citing instance after instance to prove how Twitter has created an echo-chamber for a specific ideology.

They can't even say like, "Look, we have been wrong in thinking we can control the dialogue..."

No, the most they can admit after all the deflections fail: "I didn't realize that...I will look into that...we will try harder." Which is nothing but corporate nonsense for "I will forget about that as soon as I leave here"

Tim and Joe both suck dick at debate. I didn't dislike Tim before this episode but he came in with a sheet of paper of shit to say and he failed to react to any of the responses. The most transparent spin absolutely derailed him. Joe's just fucking dumb as dirt unless he's talking about isolation tanks or chimps so he performed as expected.

There were so many occasions where they would try to get a straight answer out of Vijaya and she would give a total non-answer and they just accepted it.

At one point, Tim and Joe were trying to point out that the white race can be criticized in a way that black people or trans people can't. The exchange went something like this:

Joe: "Do you discipline users who criticize an entire class of people?"

Vijaya: "What we focus on is targeted harassment."

And at this point, Tim and Joe just start talking about targeted harassment instead of locking down an answer to the first question. I don't know twitter shit well, but if the answer is no I don't think it would be difficult to find a white person who was banned for general racism. If the answer is yes, there are people like Farrakhan saying whatever the fuck they want about whoever they want.

The whole podcast is full of exchanges like this. It was just two idiots who had three questions to ask on each subject and if Vijaya had three answers, no matter how shitty, that was the end of it. It was a total wasted opportunity.

Nice wall of text stupid.

I really wish Joe had gotten a real expert like Anthony or his brother who could have stood a chance and actually make a point

I don't think you're the only person to think their answers were shitty, but the fact that they had to give an answer at all is a step forward. Now, we have them on record stating the reasons for their actions, so when they inevitably violate it, their own words can be used against them. And no, I don't think we'll shame them into change with it. What we can do is whittle their influence down and build resentment among people who are normally ignorant by showing them the double standards back-to-back.

Memes can be very powerful. When Amy Schumer was at her peak popularity, some vids from this sub, that laid out her joke thievery in an easily digestible way, went viral and ended up being the catalyst to her downfall.

And Netflix still gave that fat bitch another special.

This is why I couldn't sit through it. That and it's 3 hours, if they knew how to drill down with questioning like you're describing there'd be no reason for it to go longer than 25 minutes.

Tim Pool is such a douche for bringing his own headphones on rogan


He wasn't sure if they had children's sizes.

Yes it's very important that those pygmies have wells, Joe..

Thanks, Cashapp!

Tim Pool is a faggot

"We need free speech so horrible nationalists can't just exist in their echo chambers" isn't throwing a beating. Tim pool did okay but Joe was a massive fag save for a few moments.

Kinda seems like the street shitter was the alpha in the room. Nice try with the hate tho

She was. The cancer that is the JRE sub said Pool has “balls of steel” and stuck it to the man. Kind of came across as an annoying faggot to me that thinks Twitter is real life

Rogan really is the most responsive of all of them to criticism. It’s funny to make fun of him, but he acknowledges legit criticism better than any other comedian.

I've never heard of tim pool, I just don't waste my time on this crap, but I found the lawyer running circles around that angry kid with logical explanations

The he would mention some conservative “influencer” that got banned like he was exposing them. That women will be going back to her million dollar salary and Silicon Valley corner office while Pool is headed to the winter appeal section in Marshall’s for a congratulatory hat

I loved the part where Tim whined and cried about a social media site for 3 hours

Tim Pool is what happens when high schools outlaw bullying

In 2015 21 of 22 suspended accounts were Conservative -

Briefcase holding street shutter: “I don’t pay attention to those statistics”

I guess I just don't care if a private company has a built in bias. Every business is going to have biases based on the ideals of those who started/run it. There is no way around that.

I thought Pool's arguments were stronger when he hammered them on not responding to the abuses those on the right get vs those on the left. There is a strong argument to be made that Twitter doesn't hand out punishments fairly and that they're harder on those on the right than the left.

But a lot his arguments came off like....

"I want you to run your company in a way that reflects my beliefs because my biases are less biased than your bias."

The argument Pool is kinda making is.....

"My side wants to be able to confront their side on our terms but their side doesn't want to engage and wants to be protected from having to engage with us on our terms."

Yeah you can call the left pussies and many of them are but you can't really force people to engage with you on your terms. If Twitter did what he wanted there would be a mass exodus and some other company would just step in and be even stricter than Twitter and the left (and most of the verified accounts aka Hollywood and the Media) would flock there.

So really they're in a no-win scenario. You can't make both sides happy. You just have to thread the needle enough to where no one is happy but no one is disgusted enough to leave.

Nobody threw anybody a "beating."

What happened was, Rogan allowed Alex Jones back on his podcast for a pity friendship gesture. Then he immediately has THE OWNER OF TWITTER on to combat whatever Alex said about being banned and undo it all.

The motherfucker agreed to allow him back on the podcast for a re-do with a fucking lawyer/teacher to hold his hand through it. And then they invite that emaciated Jughead beanie faggot Tim Pool who has never done anything in his life and is not known for doing anything but being vaguely Trumpish on twitter. Everyone involved with this should fuck off.

All complete faggots.

Waaaa twitter is banning who they want on their platform. Either get off it or voice your stupid opinion on any of the other social media platforms.

kinda like here in gay reddit land.

This is how you executive produce,stupid.

the thing about Joe, and this sub might not be used to it, is that he actually cares about trying to deliver an entertaining show for his fans and wants to do things that interest his fan base

Whatever point ultra serious retard in the beanie was trying to make, he made it poorly.

tim pool isn't a "Conservative" and that term doesn't depict the alt-right figures who are being primarily targeted

not much sense rehashing it, these arguments got blown out for 3 hours right to their face and everyone saw it happen


Basically everyone with strong political beliefs is a hypocrite. I’ve yet to meet one who wasn’t.