The Bill burr sub is full of faggots they locked my thread when people agreeing with nia being a

19  2019-03-06 by LikeTimiTsAharderWay

@&;;#&, cuz we’ll thats what she is.

Who are the enabling faggots who encourage that black supremacist?



Someone claimed she’s the best thing to happen to bill, they are lost.

Some say the child isn’t his.

But what do I know, I just get up every morning and listen to my black wife get mouth fucked by a proper bull who can only cum by smacking an eldery red headed white man. Who am I to deny him that after all we put his people through.

Ignorant gucj doesn't even realize his own people were slaves in much higher numbers and over a longer time period. God he's a piece of shit.

Seems that for most people, history means the last 50-75 years.

They're not people, dude.

Irish people? Is this the victim Olympics?

You are now aware you are on reddit.

they are lost.

what way was that, Anthony?

He was one of the gayest guys in the country!

Shut up faggot

Green Day lover/ self cutting girl

666 bitch

You unironically typed “Waaah” in response to someone questioning you. How about you fuck off and die.

Also, Nia is an entitled cunt.

Hey, get that chip off your shoulder you’re going to hurt your back.

Are you implying he has a failed, 50-year old prop comic on his back?

No, but yes.

You also called them “children”... Are you fat Pat Tomlinson from Milwaukee?

Also no, but in my heart of heart yes, child.

Wow, that place is might be more brainwashed than the Stern subreddit

As an ambassador of the Stern subreddit, I would like to say that at least 60% of us think Howard is a washed up has been faggot.

We might be fags, but never have I seen anyone censored for calling howard a pelican faced wig wearing big bird looking ass greedy homo jew cocksucker cat fucker with a horsefaced wife.

If someone enjoyed bill burr from the 2005-2012 years idk hoe the fuck they could still enjoy him now.

How the fuck did it become popular to watch black people watching his stand up.

It’s some strange nigger paradox I want nothing to do with.

Yeah, the popularity of those black guy reaction videos is weird

"Aww shiiiiet, nah nah, WOOOOW - he really said dat? Daayum!" - every "reaction" video

Fucking last line got me good god damn.

Here comes the preeeee downvotes!

I got in on that one with ya buddy!

Yes u did

We should go remind those faggots how that nigger baboon ruined one of the best working comics of our time.

I’m fuckin game dude, how u wanna go about it. Trojan horse or do we go in hot

Some people take cabs, others use the N train.

But only Burr pays for a bumpy and ageing subway ride like it's a limousine.

you sound mentally ill, retard

He was one of the gayest guys in the country!

Shut up faggot

They're not people, dude.