People thriving after Anthony Cumia Part 3: Jill Nicolini

53  2019-03-06 by TangerineReam


Those are some sleep deprived looking children.

Could you sleep in a bed that your mom leaked all over?

They even needed brown sheets so it wouldn't show.

Her kids and her husband all look retarded.

Key word here is "kids and husband". He's probably got money and a stable job. Anthony is losing money and CM is in the red.

Yeah I get it I'm just saying they all look like they should have helmets on.

Eh I wouldn't say that. They both look like North Shore Long Island toeheads; they don't look THAT odd.

What's a toehead it sounds hilarious

Like clown shoe dopes, but not mentally retarded in any way. They look like they got what to do, as we say around here.

This only raises more questions...

Stable job as a contribute nothing money changer borderline criminal

I recently seen this bitch still looking like typical LI mid 40s white girl trash taking selfies at some bar on LI. Don’t let this wholesome photo fool you.

Cant make normal kids with an old dusty uterus

That guy looks tired from changing 3 diapers a night.

Wait, they only have two.... oooohhhh, I get it.

Is that the hedge fund guy she met after Ant cheated on her?

So many girls just have to settle at some point. A house, money and a baby are better than no house, money and a baby.

They're not settling. They're getting what they're worth. Their value is high early in life, they don't cash in when they're winning, they instead opt to cash out after losing half their value.

He looks like an Italian Jim Jeffries

Jim Jeffsausage tsss

Hoy should feel bad for making that joke

The lovechild of JJ and Seth McFarlane.

Hey that's weird, they're both guineas but their kid is blonde...

"...I 'ate da North..."

Her skin has the texture of a over microwaved hotdog

Still can't believe Ant pissed away this relationship just so he could fuck mentally unstable teenagers

She seemed like a mentally unstable 30 year old with Daddy issues though.

He did the right thing in this case

and punch them.

dont forget punch them.

And bite them.

Don't forget bite them.

For a weather girl she has fallen to Expornstar hot.

That trajectory was apparent a decade ago.

Nice tits

Honestly with that jawline.... i'd rather fuck Sue to.

He’s a tool for letting that piece go. Much rather have a seasoned slut than a retarded teenager with daddy issues any day.

What an ugly family.gross.

Hi def zoom in of her left knee would make a good "And Maybe Kiss You" post.








Key word here is "kids and husband". He's probably got money and a stable job. Anthony is losing money and CM is in the red.

Cant make normal kids with an old dusty uterus