Bob Kelly crash video is out. Will it be enough to stop him eating himself to death?

46  2019-03-06 by Dennyislife


Why is a fatso like him doing doing normal sized people activities?

Seriously. If you're so fat that your bones snap under your weight every time you move you should just give up. Sit your fat ass in a Hoveround and eat yourself into an early grave.

Hah, fat fuck.

He should have to rent out the entire resort so as not to bury all those people in an avalanche when he burps or walks


Take your time, you'll get it.

Stand By Me coming-of-age camp yuuuma

He wanted us to pay to watch this on his patreon? Delusional fatass


spoiler alert: no

Thank god he didn't land on a child and crush them into a pancake.

I can’t believe that’s all it took to break his ribs. What a fragile fat fuck

They are easily smashed. Seen people fall off a bed during love making and it happen.


Mind you she was a 100lb woman

You make it sound like you were watching through a peephole.

Don't shame me.

Was she shaved?

She was when she woke up.


His bones are like a boiled chicken bones. Soft but fragile at the same time.

Bobby seems like a nice guy, but I really enjoy seeing fat people get hurt, it's the best.

Really? He seems like a total cunt.

also that.

What sort of negligent hill-keep would allow a land whale of that mass to wrecklessly gain that much inertia?

Nice physics, stupid

Nice not understanding an object in motion, stupid.

Nice recklessly, stupid


It should be spelled that way anyway

Nice verbosity, stupid.

Notice the lack of fucks given by his woman when her horse breaks its legs.

She should have done what any compassionate horse owner would do in that situation. Walk over and put a bullet in its brain.

She couldn't find a big enough tent.

Just use his coat

Having a son didn’t change him. Having friends die or have health issues didn’t change him. One of his goals on Patreon is “When I reach 750 patrons, I will shoot and record a 'Bang, Bang' with one of my friends and release it only to my Patreon supporters.”

A “bang bang” is when you eat a full meal at one restaurant, then go to another restaurant and eat another full meal. NOBODY wants to watch that. It’s sad and disgusting. He’s a drug addict and the 750th patreon supporter should be shamed when the goal is reached.

A “bang bang” is when you eat a full meal at one restaurant

I googled that sentence to confirm if that was indeed what it's called (since it's so hateable-sounding) and of course the first link that came up was Bobby stuffing his face with Louis.

The bang bang episode of Louie was grear


I'm keeping it in

And none of his friends say shit

Every single one of the comics who post "it's so sad doooood, I lost my best friend and I wish he was here..." should be mocked and shamed

They have done nothing to save their "friend's" life. They go on podcasts and tease him, knowing deep down he'll be leaving a child and wife without a breadwinner.

I've been wanting about this for 2 years, still not one change! He's on the road with Stavros and Tim Dillon because they are gluttonous pigs just like him

Or the typical... "You know man, I was there for him but he never reached out."

What's even more depressing: there are thousands of hours of audio Bobby's son, Max, can go listen to whenever he misses his father...

Thousands of hours of his father's friends laughing at the cause of his eventual death. He will have to endure constant reminders of how fat and selfish his father was, just to hear his voice when he gets lonely

All those fucks only care about themselves and are only too glad it's happening to someone else

Bobby’s creating tons of fake Patreon accounts as we speak

Fuck “Bang Bang”. I remember working on the set of Louie when that was filmed. Robert Kelly kept purposely screwing up his scenes so he could eat more free food. It took hours longer than it should have.

I believe you

At this stage he should get a black box installed.

I broke my tube, man! This shit is fucking funny. I’m glad they looped it 3-4 times

How many times has Bob read over the release form he signed to see if there is any chance to sue.

Fault appears to be shared between the resort and Bob. The resort should have better devices to slow him down or a weight limit. Bob should have gauged his speed better and dragged his feet to slow down.

Nice momentum, stupid.

I broke my fucking lap band dude. I heard it snap.

He's too fat for the physics of downward slopes.

When I'd go bicycling with my dad and he'd beat me going down a hill, he'd always yell, "Weight always wins". In this case, weight lost.

Nice wholesome childhood, stupid

Did you suck your father's cock after the ride was over?

I did. Miss ya, pops.

It doesn't even look that bad. If he hadn't lost all his reflexes to the fat he'd probably be fine.

He may want to change his relationship with food;

F = MA bobby

If you look at it carefully, you can see that the shuttle capsule does separate… oh. This isn’t the Challenger disaster

Wait lol why does it abruptly go from a nice Vermont style, snow covered path to the finishing on a public basketball court on 125th street?

I watched a little bit of the dog shit YKWD podcast when Blobby debuted this video and the only decent dig at fat body was Joe List after hearing the slowed down version with the cow like noises of people’s reactions with “how’d they mic your stomach?” Got a good chuckle from that. “Ya missed the stop mats, Bobby, ya big fat pig!”

It's too bad that when they make the live action Wall-E, Bobby won't be alive to play the man on the spaceship.

Physics 1, Fatso 0

Seriously. If you're so fat that your bones snap under your weight every time you move you should just give up. Sit your fat ass in a Hoveround and eat yourself into an early grave.


Or the typical... "You know man, I was there for him but he never reached out."

All those fucks only care about themselves and are only too glad it's happening to someone else