
0  2019-03-06 by youarenottheguy68



The faggot appears to be elusive.


Yeah I remember wackbag 10 years ago too. I wish I didn't. Thanks, faggot.

Thanks for linking this, for a second I thought you faggots might be over the fact that I got your queen nigger banned, but it seems like you want another day of painful remembrance.

Shut up faggot

Way to miss the joke link, you complete fucking retard.

Good, I'm glad I've got you angry and obsessing over me this early in the day 😂 Comic book reading faggot

You fucking fell for it like the dumbfuck you are, you online video game obsessed dork.

I didn't fall for anything you dumb cocksucking faggot 😂 keep wasting your energy on me.

Shut up faggot

You clicked on the thread and thought it was about you. You probably still haven't figured it out because you're that fucking dumb.

Shut up faggot