Stop posting celebrity gossip regarding pete davidson and his latest girlfriend, you fucking hens.

302  2019-03-06 by youarenottheguy68

Omgggg he's dating her? That's a far fall from ariana, lol omg!

Fucking losers.


Only update I want about Pete is his obit.

At first I read this as, "Only update I want is that Pete is in orbit." That would also be acceptable.


Sir, it is unlikely Pete Davidson would ever be accepted into NASA.

Exactly! According to Nana they don’t let blacks in NASSA

Completely agree. This faggot infestation has gone too far

I would rather fuck Beckinsale than Grande. She doesn’t seem to cling to dignity, she’s wise enough to know it doesn’t exist.

Grande is has been seeded by too many jews.

I've never heard of him outside of this sub

How is he related to O&A?

I think he was on one of the spin-off shows o&j or j&s I don't believe he was ever on the actual show

He was a regular on Opie and Jim. He had a big moment where he made fun of the Stangle brothers and pretty much made them quit.

Obvious reasons=mainstream success

He was already on SNL when the Stangel-love was flowing for him. What has he done since then to add on to that 'success'? Absolutely nothing. Fucking die

Right?! The denial on the Cumias and their ball washers is insane! "They just hate us because we're successful" is literally mentally retarded to try and convince yourself of and shows an ego so fragile that its amazing they can manage to leave their homes without breaking down crying in the real world.

We were all fans of them when they actually were successful.

Huh? i didnt realize that was Cumia related. I thought we were shitting on that commenter and Davidson. Im lost

Right? Fuck the Cumias.

And excess faggotry

Obvious reasons = him getting a Hillary Clinton tattoo on his arm. And other gay shit like that. He became very hate able.

That election did plenty to help expose plenty of people. They all thought it was their time to "fight back" and exposes what overly sensitive ninnies they all are.

Was he on Ron and Fez a few times?

I once heard a morning zoo host giggle about what a pathetic loser he was. That's the extent of it.

Ooh good, is this a Pete Davidson post..?


The real cancer of this sub is chapotraphouse users like you coming over and posting pedophilia apologetics.

Go ahead and delete all those comments, I dare you!

Heh clicked his profile and hahajahaholeeeshiet

This really is getting out of hand. In any other sub it would be against the rules, but because we're a "hate" sub, it's A okay..

Chapo Pedohouse

These Chapo fags come in here with their politics and then have the balls to say there’s an MDE take over.

they are the most disgusting bunch of them all.

it is them and only them that use words like faggot, cunt, nigger etc. in this sub. they make fun of disabled people and transsexuals as well, poisoning this place with their garbage.

of course, reddit supports and highlights them wherever possible while sanctioning our sub's users (mass blocks by other subs etc) for nothing.

shut up nigger


Nah, Kool Bois have bit of tact about this shit. I smell mystery meat mired in inferiority (complexes). Plus, MDE is actually funny. Chapo is a jowly neckbeards favourite chucklefuck hour. Garbage humor, akin to any mulch you'd hear on late night "comedy" shows. Also, some barista revolutionary playing pedo's advocate? Perish the thought..

I smell mystery meat mired in inferiority (complexes).

yup. I legit feel bad for some of them. But they get so aggressive and uppity they force your hand

FAGGOT and beefer posters get lots of shit. But really, who are the people posting and upvoting pete davidson gossip?

FAGGOT and beefer posters.

It really is pathetic

I called him arse hole eyes in me moms basement, it sure got him!!

Hey just noticed.. It's your 3rd Cakeday late_50s_why! hug

the faggot and beefer posts are good for the comments at the very least. Davidson posts just have people making butthole eyes jokes for quintillionth time


wtf is that

Yeah, bestiality is disgusting

Don't forget about the Mike Birbiglia clones. I swear, some of you fags practice writing this stuff before you actually put it on this subreddit. This place is starting to look like the Stern subreddit. Crack open a beer and shit post like a normal person.

I'm always fucked up on klonopins and weed when on the internet for prime shitposting material, i'm not here to talk about z listers like Patrick or that Pete guy. Envy is pathetic, I just wanna laugh at shit

Some people have lost their way and now only commit to a weak form of Jocktobering people no-one gives a shit about

I actually find it funny. It’s absurd and I like absurdities. If you don’t, that’s fine. Then you can, I don’t know, not click on the thread. Don’t read the stuff you don’t want to read.When I see annoying leftist crap, or shitty alt right stuff, I don’t read it. Works every time.

yeah but sometimes i go into a thread expecting it to be funny like it used to be and I get disappointed

Subs passed you by?

You must be one of those fancy lads

I only wanna hear when he is sad or dead.

You are easily one of the worst posters on here; nothing you post is related to O&A and you're a normy reddit fag posting on cumtown and political subs.

Pete Davidson bangs 10's while u waste all ur time on here. Think about that.

I'm actually really popular and respected around here and my good friends will come to my defense.

lmao, is this a bit?

I'm what you might call an "elder statesman" of the O&A subreddit. I don't monkey around.

lmao, I don't wna mess with a subreddit celebrity!

You're a nothingness worm with nothing meaningful to cling on to in life.

Enjoy ur worthless existence here.

I do enjoy my existence here, this place is full of some real characters.

BTW i just looked at ur profile and u post on r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen which is a borderline incel sub and you have 300k karma. I actually feel sorry for you man. Get off the computer and do something meaningful, and stop being so bitter

BTW i just looked at ur profile

your inability to see how gay this is makes me chuckle warmly

I'm what you might call an "elder statesman" of the O&A subreddit.

Is the most embarrassing thing any has ever said on this sub

I mean to be serious for a second, if you think that's the most embarassing thing anyone has said here you've literally been here for 15 minutes.

I really do love faggots like you though, trying to over-intellectualize this place. There's been waves of you over the years. Every single time, you pretend like you are the expert and try to define the ecosystem here. Every time you betray your real status, as some newcomer bitch trying so hard to fit in while clashing with the regulars and getting duped by inside jokes and trolls. You people are always the angriest, too. It's so easy to spot, your desperate compensating.

If you think that's the most embarassing thing anyone has said here you've literally been here for 15 minutes.

I was fucking with you, but you're so angry it's fantastic. I really do love faggots like you though, trying to over-intellectualize this place. There's been waves of you over the years. Every single time, you pretend like you are the expert and try to define the ecosystem here. Every time you betray your real status, as some newcomer bitch trying so hard to fit in while clashing with the regulars and getting duped by inside jokes and trolls. You people are always the angriest, too. It's so easy to spot, your desperate compensating.

Keep going you goofy nigger, tell me how I am ruining your new favorite club. Expose me, go through my comment history and let everyone know my feelings on minorities and women.

Wow us with your insights into the O&A subreddit while feigning aloofness. You're a gay bingo card.

Wanna see my horn?

My friend, you are popular and I admire you. I have come here to defend you.


I'm what you might call an "elder statesman" of the O&A subreddit.

FACT: you are a Canadian cumtown poster who uses emojis

You're newer than me, and far less funny

Know your place faggot, you came here with the rest of normal reddit

Describe to me the 3 phases of Knickers.

He never answered but I want to try. Was it 1. Flamboyant faggot, 2. Chink, and 3. Somali pirate or something?

You got it

I'm not some OnA sub historian but I will say I've been seeing u/triangledimes name posting here since my original account like 5 years ago. I dont really recall a RoccoTheLoveMonkey and everytime I see ur name it's you being a faggot. I vote with the other guy, now show us all your cock or leave

I was fucking with him by playing up my "status" and he's taking it so seriously and getting so mad about it he's following me across different threads and trying to shame me. He literally thinks I am an "elder statesman of the O&A sub."

Yeah I know I was just trying to make him angrier

It's funny that these kinds of comments always get downvoted because they remind the average O&A subscriber how miserable and insignificant they are. What a sub.

We got some real sub 'celebrities' in here showing me the business

I'm what you might call an "elder statesman" of the O&A subreddit.

Yuck. This is what people on here saying. Imagine attaching this much of you self-worth to your reddit account.

Thankyou OP, I've been getting negged into obscurity for bringing this exact point up every time I see one of those threads

TMZ faggots been making these threads for months & months now, last one was crying over how it "wasn't fair wahh wahh" that some kid is kissing a hot girl.

Pete: Wasssuuup just gettin my dick sucked my 10s, what is O&A?

Couldn't fucking agree more.

Shove Captain fucking Marvel up your asses while you're about it.

Gamers rise up.

You're just mad there are no British superheroes flying around in their burkas.

Oh, most definitely.


Personally I'd rather bury my cock into Beckinsales bum than Arianas. Kate would take that dick if she wanted it, youd have to coax and consol Grande into taking it in the shitter.

Who the fuck's saying that? Prime Beckinsale was ten times hotter than chiquita hairy butthole

Prime was 20 years ago, stupid.

yeah, but those 20 years for her look more like 2 years. fine wine, brothaman

she has a hot daughter tho

Can we still post about Kate Beckinsale's slutty daughter?


I think Davidson gets a large amount of hate and resentment in the sub because we have a lot of mid 20’s people that during O&A’s peak were in high school and assumed we’d go on to do comedy and blow up but instead did not act. And now hacks like Pete that did act are banging Ariana Grande and getting Hillary Clinton tattoos while he’d probably be the 100th funniest person in this sub


I agree shorty.

Wait, is this the edgelord version of Crocker's "Leave Britney Alone" video?

gee guys, it’s almost like we could stop hearing about pete davidson if a certain subreddit got its act together and say, i don’t know, framed him for possession of child pornography?


But but but but he was on da show!

Fuck off

This sub shilling this loser because he made fun of the Stangels was a low point. Dude he's funny. He's not.

Kate Beckinsale has a hairy butthole.

The only thing this sub hates more than the Cumia brothers is being told what to do.

I agree. We should talk about Ant's twee- oh wait.

Pete has had two A-list 10’s within the last year. The man deserves a tiny bit of respect from this community.

Pick a little, talk a little, cheep cheep cheep, talk a lot, pick a little.

the only reason I found out about it was your post OP wtf

Alternative idea:

keep posting, & tag u/youarenottheguy68 in every post & comment regarding Pete Davidson
