I broke my gastric sleeve dude

24  2019-03-06 by JohnDough911


Lookin like a pot roast and sides just filled up his briefs. Fat idiot

How bad was Bob’s childhood that he has a wife, a son, and a semi-decent career but still wants to eat himself to death?

His childhood was fine, Bob is just a bad apple.

He was a gang member who kept company of under age sluts. He had oral sex for a steak and on another occasion just for the sake of it. He locked up a retarded girl in his basement and later forced her to perform sexual acts to him and his friend under the threat of violence. He attacked his first stepfather with edged weapons who took care of the family after Bobs vietnamese father left. He was drunk and stoned at 11, commiting robberies until he got incarserated. He assaulted a class mate in college.

Black twitter got "Robert Kelly" trending wrt R. Kelly so it was funny seeing people call Bob Kelly a rapist and a groomer