Even if you think this guy's a faggot, if you didn't get pleasure from the first 30 seconds then you're a nigger.

0  2019-03-06 by youarenottheguy68


He has his ups and downs (mostly downs)

Sure does have Downs.


Where were the laughs?

I said "get pleasure". He's making a fat woman realize she killed an innocent baby right to her face. If that didn't give you a boner, then you're a literal faggot.

Thought they were speaking in hypothetical hyperbole, so now it makes a bit more sense. Still, not my cup of tea.

Would you rather that fat idiot reproduce?

No, I'm pro abortion, but also pro making women feel bad about their abortions.

Oh well I don’t want people to think I’m black, so I’ll just agree with you

I'm an advocate of abortion because there are enough dumb people in the world. I also murder babies

Was that supposed to be impressive? Congratulations chubby white pompadour guy who probably smells like milk. You aggressively told the truth about abortion to a fat girl who got an abortion. Damn, you're smart as hell.

Who cares? Whats impressive about being honest? You could ponly think this is amazing if you live and play by the rules of faggot libs and so every little mention of anything vaguely off the path of progressive is considered shocking.

What did he accomplish? It wasn't funny, interesting, or creative. All he did was make a stupid fat woman feel stupid. I guess if he does these interviews 1 on 1 with every single woman in the world he can get something accomplished but I dont see the entertainment value

Not watching the clip but if you shoot enough man on the street segments you eventually get your psychotic person to put on the highlight reel.

No the woman didn't do anything. She was defending abortion because I assume she had one. He just dramatically said "you killed all that babies dreams, eye color, etc." and there was no punchline

lol I laughed just reading your description of what happened. How can you not find it entertaining.

You're a fuckin faggot dude. Idk how old you but if you're old enough you should remember that God loving tight ass fags are just as controlling as the psychotic faggot left. Just because it hasn't been cool to be some right wing conservative in a long time doesn't mean that once it became the social norm again everyone would be running around saying whatever they want and living in paradise. All of these people are complete phonies that just want to make a nut playing off whatever the social climate is. If the shit was reserved and it was rebellious and lucrative to be left wing this faggot Crowder would be posting videos everyday "Steven Crowder DESTROYS cis Male REBLOODICAN who dares question gender fluidity."

You're a fag. Stop being that.

Again, Steven Crowder clip so uhhh no thanks.

using white as a pejorative

I think you should go back to the Bill Burr subreddit

I used white as a description actually. He is chubby and white. Sorry you feel the need to defend "your peepal"


I think you’re a faggot

well that's a little negative...

Fags like Crowder and Ben Shapiro don't want to have an adult conversation about these issues they've already come to the conclusion that they're right and if you disagree with them you're a "libtard". Abortion is disgusting but women have to live with that guilt for the rest of their lives so I doubt it's an easy decision for them.

What guilt are they feeling? They don’t believe the thing they’re killing is a baby.

how do you know?

Women have a maternal instinct, they feel the guilt deep down.

So they’re conditioning themselves that it’s not a baby then and don’t actually believe it

Women don't feel guilt or shame about anything they can hide or lie about. Their biggest fear is the things they should feel ashamed of will be revealed, and that they'll have to be ashamed.

Ben Shapiro leaves LIBTARD professor SPEECHLESS with FACTS and LOGIC.

there's a worthwhile statement right there. a thousand times more knowledge in that than any incel 7000 word essay about superhero marvel comics and sociological links.

Yeah man I love Crowder he's my idol! Nothing cooler than a grown man going to a college and OWNING retarded 19 year olds about their political beliefs!

I've got a deep, festering resentment against women like any other red-blooded male, but abortion is perfectly fine, and should be encouraged in some cases. It's not omgliterallykillingababy, you simple faggot.

Aren't the majority of abortions for poor black women? ~le change my mind~ that poor people should be having more babies.

Abortion is the best thing for dudes that bust nuts in fat chicks because they much to drink and want to avoid 18 years of payments for one dumb night. Crowders a fag who didn’t fuck until he was like 30 his opinion on the subject is irrelevant to me

This sub might be the only place on the internet where no one sides with any one ideology and blindly defends it. It’s comforting, really.

Why is that dumb faggot at 0:58 in college? He should be working at Little Caesar's.

He's right.