Yep, I would rather have this than Chik-fil-A any day.

13  2019-03-06 by alphadromes


Looks like some pretty poor street shitter food.

Looks like some street shit.

street shit

that's exactly what he'll be doing 5 minutes after he leaves

it all tastes and smells the fucking same.

Like shit.

I bought a practically brand new couch set from a Paki friend for dirt cheap, and when I took it him I noticed it smelled horrendous. Like someone ate curry and squirted their bowels into another bowel of curry and smeared it all over the couch. It took months for the smell to leave, curry has a very strong scent, and it’s fucking rank. His whole house smelled like it too.

Appropriate culture much?

Unbelievable. You are seriously disturbed. Wouldn't be surprised if this ended with you jacking off onto his corpse. Get help.

I love Indian food and seriously that looks fucking awful. He must be broke. Hopefully he gets Bombay Belly.

You don't think an Indian buffet in Milwaukee would offer an authentic experience, child?

Fuck an authentic experience. Basically the Americanized version of all asian cuisines is better: vietnamese, chinese, japanese, thai, korean, and indian. We just make shit taste better.

But this slop of shit? This is not cuisine. This is fucking 7-11 slop. What a disgusting pig to not know enough that he shouldn't be eating that, let alone publicly bragging about it.

The more I look at it, the more its infuriating. Is that a fucking swedish meatball? Even as a fat slob he can't even eat right.

They are deep fried dough balls made with chickpeas and usually have a sweet/tangy sauce

No idea what they are called

I'm talking about the one on the right

My mistake, I dont have any idea what the fuck that is. Or what gross bullshit he poured on a shitty ikea meatball


What a retard, I bet he didn't know that those syrup-donut things are a dessert and put them on his plate anyways.

Well, he is also a fat mother fucker

I'm sad you know about the donuts

The frozen Indian dinners in Milwaukee gas stations are much better than that.

No joke.

What fucking gas stations are you going to?

Yeah that's a fancy gluten free brand. My whore of an ex buys their products.

Those people use "amazing" for anything better than gruel. What language they aren't seeking to destroy they want demean.

It’s a good thing this guy doesn’t write for a livi- oh,

Way to load up on Carbs fat ass.

Way to load up on carbs fat ass.

nothin like a light beer with low tier Indian food. yum, child.

Pretty sure thats a ginger ale

Indian food in Milwaukee...

A lunch so exquisite that it has 2 rices! 2!

All kidding aside, that does not look like very good Indian food. Even if it was, why is he sharing this with us?

He can’t even make up an interesting lunch.

Like shit.

My mistake, I dont have any idea what the fuck that is. Or what gross bullshit he poured on a shitty ikea meatball