Anth is drunk on TACS and just admitted that Sue gave him a hand job in his jaguar.

110  2019-03-05 by Antlovessue


As much I would like to just take your word for it I'm going to need at least the audio to believe that.

"Sue gave me a hand job in my Jaguar."

  • Anthony Cumia

There it is. Irrefutable proof.

*username checks out

A little dabbling.

Show me carfax


Did the faggot admit he had to pay the mentally ill boy to do it too?

Fake tits don't grow on trees nigga

In other news, a tree fell in a forest.

Fake news. No one listens to that show.

I heard it. It happened. Trust me

I can also confirm.

Honestly, admitting you watch TACS is about gay as it gets.

It's definitely way gayer than a handjob from Sue.

Paying for that shit is gay AND stupid

That shit's gayer than a hand job from Joe

I actually admire him for his service. One of us has to bring back intel.

I don't remember him having a Jaguar. They haven't made a good car in fifty years.

So yeah, an Italian would buy one now.

Gay teen Jaguar handjob is canon.

That was the car after the Shelby Mustang.

Lol it still has Sue's comment about riding inside it

It was the car he got the speeding tickets on.

A jaguar is just another ford for someone who wanted it in the shop more than every weekend

Go stick your head in a cannon.

While listening to Canon in D

You're thinking of Max getting the hand job in the back of Dirk's moms Jaguar.

And it was worth it

A fockin lie!

I don't believe you but I'm gonna upvote anyway

I believe it. I don't need to hear it.

The funniest part about this is that if Anthony wanted to prove he didn't say it he couldn't because Keith probably forgot to record the episode.

Also how long do you think it would take them to realize that their internet is not working during a live broadcast? Would they even find out?

There's an "Anthony Cumia Show" now? Who knew?

if a faggot cums in obscurity, and no one is listening to hear it, does it make a sound?

No, but you could imagine what it'd be like if they did!

Is this Anthony trying to boost interes?. Nice 2D chess, stupid.

Fake news until audio. Why would Ant give us anything to use against him? His stance was already made clear on Infowars; that’s what he’s sticking by.

Wow I cant believe he said it finally. I totally saw it and can confirm.

Leave Nia alone silly 😉

Why? Nia sucks and people defend her because they like Bill.

I know daddy I’m just fuckin around I hate those people

Lolol you got me


A “handjob” aka hardcore anal sex

This is really frustrating - some of you guys think this is a joke, but it actually happened. In fact, my friend was watching that very episode and I was videotaping him watching it, from inside his closet. He got disgusted and started throwing up. I started to throw up, I fell out of the closet and threw up on my video camera and I can’t show you the tape.

I can’t show you the tape.

Yeah, tape...

What is this from

I would tell you, in fact I’ve videotaped where it came from, it was the time Tucker Max was on Opie and Anthony and was lying his ass off and I was recording it from the production closet while Tucker lied about having tape of some anal adventure that ended in mass puking and ruined evidence. The appearance got uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that he started throwing up, and I threw up and I fell out of the closet and threw up all over the video camera and now I don’t have the tape.

A likely story.

This story is true. I was there filming him filming in the closet and when he fell out and threw up, it made me throw up and I threw up right on my camera and now I don't have the tape

This is true, I was recording a documentary about an up and coming band at the time called WolfPac and got it all on camera.. Troy tossed the tape off a cliff not long after so I can't show it to you.

i have not seen it, i would tell you if i did, genuinely.

Originally from the I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell guy, but then Mark Normand stole it.

Can someone please fill us in? I have no clue what this is from either

Nope still not gonna trick me into listening


I kinda feel worse for Sue.


Nice Indian made car, stupid

I can’t believe I stuck up for him! I feel like I been stabbed in the heart.

Prove it, nigga

rich vos will be appearing ...

It's definitely way gayer than a handjob from Sue.

I actually admire him for his service. One of us has to bring back intel.