Tired after a long night of watching her husband work, so he took the kid out to let her get some hard earned sleep.

45  2019-03-05 by fish_flower




I thought this was Ant’s “perfect night” vine from the thumbnail.

Too masculine

I wanna piss on anthony's face when he's blacked out from xanax and miller lite


what a nasty nigger

Bill needs to get Patton on the case. He would never stand for this shit.

Patton wouldn't have killed his wife if she weren't white bourgeois scum

Until that orangutan actually speaks it just looks like someone took a giant shit on a nice, white linen-covered bed.

She ugly.


She's just never satisfied is she

She looked satisfied making out with that handsome black gentleman in her short film...which bill paid for.

I mean I like Bill.. but what is he doing?

more lile bill cuck

Who the fuck is this video for? Does she think she has fans?

She does. Everyone in r/billburr.

Every man in that sub should be castrated.

They are already.

I remember check out that sub every time the boys bash it for a larf, but they have their moments

Oh my God those comments. Those are middle aged women, right?

Couldn't tell ya, I still like Burr, but his fans are so fucking boring that I can't stand to read the bullshit they write even if I was blown before the jacuzzi.

Should be?

I'm convinced they've been chemically castrated.

Just looked at that sub - what a sickening group of unfunny faggots. They really do like that ghoul, Nia.

She is so fucking vile. Inside and out.

It's truly sickening - Nia's convinced she has fans. Fans. Despite not having a profession, skill, or even a social media personality....this pile of shit believes she has thousands of fans.

Aside from Bill - (who must be dead inside).- who else is responsible for this nonsense, Bill's fans?

Are they lapping up everything this idiot does?

Filling her comment section w/ positive platitudes - they're nourishing this filthy beast.

Lol she's tired from a night of drinking while being useless.

It's so sad that the worst thing about her isn't even that she's black

The worst thing about her is the version of Bill that she left us with.

I blame Bill for letting that happen. She just did what her people do and won the GIBSMEDAT lottery

And she's the exact woman Bill warned us about

He died for our sins.

Or should we marvel at what she has done to bill burr

I feel bad for Burr. I shouldn’t because he did it to himself, but I do. She’s a horrible human. There’s nothing black about her except how she uses her skin as a crutch when convenient to portray herself as a victim when she’s really just a complete asshole. One of the most narcissistic, entitled, spoiled pieces of shit you’ll ever meet.

I feel bad for him too, but he genuinely seems to enjoy her, and I just can't contemplate.

The first time I heard her on his podcast I thought she was some spoiled valley girl.

Why else do you think he took up helicopters as a hobby? They are literally the most dangerous aircraft.

“You said there is nothing black about her and then described every black person.” - Anthony Cumia, ‘race realist.’

Seems like Bill is one of those self-hating white men...who really go out of their way to let everyone know how fucking stupid & shitty white ppl are.

But with Bill - it's very important to him that everyone knows his stance. That he's not a typical Boston guy - that's he not a Nick DiPaolo.

So he went out and married Nia who was always very vocal about her race & how white ppl are fucking with her because of her race...

There is no way Bill was physically attracted to her or even found her interesting.

I think Bill was attracted to the idea of marrying a black woman who had a chip on her shoulder, like Nia. And that is why he deserves every bit of the misery he's experiencing.

He does seem like an OK guy - which is sad to see such a wasted, successful life. But this seems to be exactly what he signed up for.

Bill's dad was racist so he had to say fuck you.

Seal Skin -6

Car crash

God she is aggressively ugly. Bill Burr is a dope.

She looks like the Old Dirty Bastard.

Every morning Bill wakes up to two thoughts when he sees her face:

  1. EW

  2. I really showed my racist father

There’s a black man out of frame, ready to give her dick

Who the fuck wakes up and thinks i will create a short video of myself because people out there need to know the answer to just how sleepy do I feel!?

She honestly must reckon people think "i wonder how bill burrs wife slept"

Then why isnt the cunt sleeping???

She's posting passive aggressive periscope videos about what a worthless cuck her husband is and he's doing passive aggressive bits about what a useless cunt his wife is. Over under on the murder suicide is nine months.


I'm gonna pull an Opester here and say she has a hot voice but pretty much everything else is a big ol' pass from this beautiful bastard.

Why else do you think he took up helicopters as a hobby? They are literally the most dangerous aircraft.

Throw a banana at it.

A nigger broad sporting two black eyes. Impressive.

I try to masturbate to every female that isn't related or isn't in the right age range, I tried with her all I can do is get a limp dick

She is so fucking vile. Inside and out.

The thought that she thinks there are people out there who give a fuck about her boring, self-indulgent life is sickening.

Are Bill's fans partially responsible here?

They must be lapping up everything this idiot does.

And by filling her comments section w/ positive platitudes - they're nourishing this filthy beast.

Every man in that sub should be castrated.

Car crash

Bill's dad was racist so he had to say fuck you.