Here’s a picture of ME. This is what real men look like in 2019! Get use to it Conservative fags!

31  2019-03-05 by omgialmostdiedpoopin


He’s lucky I don’t rape him and have an orgasm marathon inside of his stinky little ass pussy.

Not sure why that filled me up a little bit.

I'll show him who the real faggot is when I stick my rock hard totally not gay dick up his ass and try to impregnate him.

He looks like a female elf.

Great bag, u/SamRobertsPhiltrum

I guess if I have to fuck a dude it should be one I can beat up and steal his OMD records.

pm me bb

How bizarre!

Talk about Enola Gay!!

It's all well and good ...but is his smell intoxicating ?


Nice AIDS, stupid.

I once saw a guy like this wearing a Walmart smock and stocking DVDs. Truly a fucking shame how places enable this type of mental illness

There's a transsexual who works the cash register at my local Home Depot. I'm on a bunch of Swinger forums, and the thing that I notice with transsexuals is that they really get off on making people uncomfortable. I think there's an element of sadism.

For instance, Every Fucking Time that there's a thread where women are showing their tits on a Swinger forum, there's always some transsexual that posts their weird misshapen man boobs. And I always want to comment that "nobody wants to see that" but I'd get insta-banned if I did.

So we just tolerate it in silence, and these dopes think they're "passing."

Oh wow how frustrating it must be to bite your tongue to avoid getting banned from the swingers forum. I can't believe PC culture has reached your safe place of weirdo pervs. When will it stop!

Oh wow how frustrating it must be to bite your tongue to avoid getting banned from the swingers forum. I can't believe PC culture has reached your safe place of weirdo pervs. When will it stop!

It's a legitimate problem. For instance, men in the gay community fought for men's rights. And then the transsexuals showed up and glommed onto the movement.

Which is bullshit. It's perfectly normal to be gay, it's NOT normal to chop off your dick. Transsexuals are mentally ill.

But few/none of the gay men in the gay men's movement had the balls to say "you don't get to co-opt our movement."

It warms my heart that radfems are pushing back.

It's not normal to be gay and it's not normal to be concerned with maintaining a good reputation on the swingers forum that you frequent. Get a grip.

and it's not normal to be concerned with maintaining a good reputation on the swingers forum that you frequent


Why don't you speak up if you're spending so much time thinking about the inner politics of the LGBT community you fag

Why don't you speak up if you're spending so much time thinking about the inner politics of the LGBT community you fag

I'd be banned instantly.

I live in California; it's not possible to have any public opinions whatsoever that lean to the right of Karl Marx. You're instantly unpersoned if you do.

So I'll be quietly irritated that trannsexual men post their moobs on Swinger forums, while enjoying the fact that soccer moms post their tits.

Ahahhahaha so you just suck it up and look at man tits because you'll be persecuted if you don't? Is that really what's going on here?

Ahahhahaha so you just suck it up and look at man tits because you'll be persecuted if you don't? Is that really what's going on here?

Do you understand how Internet forums work?

You don't have to click on every link.

So do a Google image search for womens titties instead of following a set of rules some perverts came up with and playing Russian roulette with trannies

Since you know so much about the internet

Fucking homo

Seriously just google girl tits. I got in trouble for doing that when I was 11.

Conservative white males are worthless to modern society.

Elaborate please

All they do is complain about “reverse racism” instead of sucking it up during the workday

Lmao how the fuck did you end up here and what race and sex are you?

Believe it or not i’m an old school listener. Still pop in for the cringe whenI’m bored. I’m a streetshitter who can take a joke about myself cause i make at least twice as much as all the mediocre honkies on this site, not to mention those who work under me. American colleges are among the best but that means fuck all if you go to one while still harboring a white american victim work ethic. “I deserve everything but only want to half-ass the effort for it! Complain complain complain!”

Very coo Gupreet. So you are open to a discussion on race without getting uuuuhfeeended?

Nah I just like talking shit and triggering people who act like they’re not mad, just laughing actually

And all SJWs and minorities do is bitch and moan about racism. What's your point?

Oh shut up you boring Bro Joe.

Transexuals showed up and interfere with the women's rights. They go into women's bathrooms, they take their medals in sports, etc.. Now every mentally ill guy who says he's a woman is supposed to get all the perks women have gotten.

Transexuals showed up and interfere with the women's rights.

My favorite is when you're working in tech and "Sam" suddenly decides he's "Samantha." Now he's un-fireable, which is a real p.i.t.a. in an industry that loves to lay people off. It basically gives him a shield against unemployment.

In a world with even a fraction of common sense he'd be fired and thrown in an insane asylum.. But no, give him a cushy Google job where all he does is argue about diversity

give him a cushy Google job where all he does is argue about diversity

That's exactly what happens. They become that "chick" with the Skrillex hair who blogs all day.

No one cares that you work "in tech" you colossal faggot. the same thing could happen at burger king

No one cares that you work "in tech" you colossal faggot. the same thing could happen at burger king

If you work at Burger King you have to make burgers.

In tech, there are MILLIONS of "do nothing" jobs. So it creates this situation where un-fireable people are just shuffled into a do-nothing role while they collect a pay check. You're not going to see this at McDonald's. If you're not doing any work, you're fired.

And I'm not exaggerating when I say "no work." I've met people who literally stare at a wall for 40hrs a week.

at the job site the only thing I stare at is the cheque after I’ve done a hard days work, something you tech nerds know nothing about.

The thing with swingers is that, they will always bring it up and make everyone else uncomfortable. No one wants to have sex with your ugly wife. Stop bringing it up

The thing with swingers is that, they will always bring it up and make everyone else uncomfortable. No one wants to have sex with your ugly wife. Stop bringing it up

When my wife said that "she loves a man in a uniform", I didn't expect her to fuck our priest.

It’s not really directed at you my last comment. More my friend from high school who wants me to have sex with his wife together. She’s fucking ugly and I keep saying no

It’s not really directed at you my last comment. More my friend from high school who wants me to have sex with his wife together. She’s fucking ugly and I keep saying no

no offense taken lol

You made the right move, that would be weird :O

Meanwhile white women are flocking to black guys in droves because they still act like men.

That's so fucking racist. It's only fat women, who cares.

Speak for yourself pussybwoy


Nice try Jew.

no its really not that many, it just looks like flocks because theyre fat

Why would you give a fuck how people dress? That's faggotry in its own way

Why shave your arms and legs, wear all this woman shit, and then grow a thin goatee?

Severely mentally ill people aren’t usually the most logical.

Being gender fluid elevates you to a higher level of victimhood than just being trans.

Which is SOOOO annoying because if I put my thumb over his head, that would be a really hot trap


It's been beaten to death for weeks, but I still laugh every goddamn time


I'd feel bad to hit this fruity ass but I would enjoy making him hit himself until he's a man again.

Nice, very AIDSy


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Mental illness.

the average britposter that also lives in London

I don’t think Thigh highs are a good look for a man.

How long before Ant buys him a pair of tits?

Daddy like

Okay lets get the gang together and Matthew Shepard this faggot.

If Ant was scrolling up this image slowly he would be frothing at the dick before he even got to the head.

This picture is a perfect counter argument to anything any fag on the left has to say about conservatives.

I like that it even tries to look coquettish. Really committing to the bit. Enjoy suicide, freak.

This is the type of guy who you do not assault for being gay, but you point and laugh at right in his face.

It's even more damaging.

jimnorton liked this

I look at that bone structure and think 'You could have been fucking bitches and you chose AIDS? What the fuck?'

rip this thread

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Elaborate please