25  2019-03-05 by Patrick__Kane


Seriously. Fuck him.

Haha, envy is a weak and pathetic emotion. You sound sad and lonely

Rocco has all the babes.

I tell them to put their finger in my bum and laugh at their reaction when the poo poo comes out

Young at heart.

Heart and body of a grizzly bear.. grrrowl

Fat fuck.

Teehee I do love a pastry

Girl in the bottom left is quite good looking but this entire photo is disturbing.

She's way hotter than the movie star.

Cause she's half her age.

Beckinsale really does like her jews young, orphaned and suicidal.

Pecs due north

You’re all so fucking retarded for believing this shit. They aren’t fucking. How do I know? I just know.

No one believes it faggot, go die you don’t belong here

Nothing says heterosexual like your agent staging make out photo ops at hockey games.

Does she see this like a make-a-wish situation?

It would be great if someone got checked in a full wind up on a snapshot and it hit him in the throat.

Absolutely disgusting.

Kate Beckinsale has a hairy butthole.

Reminds me of when that English troll in the orange vest was licking William Wallace’s wife’s face.

Kate wanted to move slow, but Desperate Pete jams in the tongue.

Just watch the game, you fucks.

Davidson has more money than the guy on the left. You can tell.

I still think both of his relationships were made by their pr teams.

Guess the laugh is on us, huh guys?

No one believes it faggot, go die you don’t belong here

I tell them to put their finger in my bum and laugh at their reaction when the poo poo comes out