People that prevent me from going full Colin Flaherty.

48  2019-03-05 by bobodid911


No one should go full Colin Flaherty, he’s just a complete moron.

Exactly. For a long time I thought that black people (mostly in ''the west'') share cultural and political bonds that they are unwilling to brake. Media showed only liberal/BLM blacks, criminal/gangster blacks or racebaiter blacks. I thought that they have a single outlook on life and everything I saw made my assumption solidify. I still view Black community negatively ...but I recognize there are people IN that community who don't fit my assumptions and hope there will be more of them and they will be a positive change.

Nice break, stupid.

the fox news jew manipulated us into believing blacks were bad when really it was the jews #freepalestine

foxs news jews

The truest black pill is being loving and tolerant of all, because you realize it's all just a kike plot to divide us.

I ain't swallowing anything black, kike.

Alex Jones is not much better than the Fox News Jews. This sub fawning over him is annoying, that Rogan podcast was a sham.

You mean you held prejudice views of the type of people in this video?

How dare you.

they drive like shit and never use their fucking turn signals

Slightly more presentable 'Diamond And Silk' House Negro Conservative.

Diamond And Silk But WHY they have to constantly ''Jig it up''. They act typical getto , but are conservative ... I am not really a fan of Ebonics. House Negro Even I hate that term I am a WOIT MALE !!!!!

They don't have to do anything they're just savvy and they've realized there's a market for that shuck and jive act when it comes to old, retarded Republicans. It's embarrassing.

'House Negro' isn't even the right term. She's the one playing her mainly White audience not the other way around. Good for her. She'll make a lot of money repeating bland Republican talking points for a little while. God bless.

That’s the bit! Dress and act like they’re on the latest season of Love After Lockup, then pretend Pizzagate is real. The tubes eat it up.

Turning Point USA feels like a group that grooms 18-year-olds

Is that Jaden Smith?

Moms Mabley

Oh! Him! 👍

Love that Candace Owens.

Nice pair of tits and incredibly dumb. Perfection.

Me too. Im “owens” her some jizz, you knowhumsayin?

I dont follow

Not at all

Broke: black neocon

Woke: Louis Farrakhan x GLR power friendship

Penny Proud is cute and loud, and she has got it goin’ on

Does this sub seriously like this bitch? She's fucking awful.

Boo hoo hoo I prefer stacy abrams.


who is she?

Fake eyelashes like a who-ah [check]

Titties out [check]

I'll allow it

she is a fuckin dolt and thus your perception of intelligence is bleak to shallow at best

Josephine Mathias is a 100% upgrade to the above disaster. Would recommend

Id sneak into her slave quarters

If you havent, check out the debate she does with one of the big YouTuber Trannies. She calls him a man to his face, goes off on eloquent rants like Alex Jones but not quite as experienced, pretty funny shit.

I’d like to suck on those bleefers. Yummy.

I guess I forgot to go back after going black

If you want a token rightwing black person to cure your racism, why choose this dolt, and not actually brilliant people like Walter Williams, or Thomas Sowell? Or at the very least someone like Larry Elder?

Why? You seem like you're a little light in the loafers, fella.

I like my coffee like I like my women, black, cold and bitter.

I like my women like I like my coffee. I don’t like coffee.

Who's this ugly bitch?

There's actually one or two smart black Republicans. If that's not an oxymoron. It's funny watching all the retards latch on to this dumb bitch because she makes sense to them.

She's aight.