You know what dude, you got your Ghost House, you got your dago plumbers snooping around, you wait till they turn their back BOOM! Big Boobby

206  2019-03-05 by crookedmile


Duuuude you got your secret exits, you got your 3up moons, boom you are on star road

I broke my P-Switch dude, hold my Yoshi

Bobby is fat.

You gonna eat those mushrooms?

Ok, this is the best one I've ever seen...

Duuuuude you got your rhinos on rotating platforms, you got the feather...yeah I'm too fat to fly so what?

This might be my favorite

This is quite good.

This is quite good.

We heard you sir.

Sorry don’t know why it posted twice

Those aren’t lives, rather the days this fatso’s got left

Holy shit

Not quite accurate, it’ll still be another few months before Blobby is a ghost.