Pitbull owners are cunts! So glad when I hear that owner gets mauled by his own Niggbull AND Emotional support dog !? KYS

6  2019-03-04 by bobodid911


This would be sad if the girl wasn't mexican

Hey Mexicans get hot as shit for about a month and a half

The other day I for whatever reason just got obsessed with pit bull attack videos -- it would take two fucking lifetimes to watch them all there's that many -- and they're savage fucking beasts who just snap. But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is beneath every fucking video there's some fucking faggot saying a variation of 'Oh it's the owner not the dog' or 'You know chihuahuas bite too!'. Or the classic 'I had a pit and it was fine.'

...kinda reminds of Liberals and BLM people , doesn't it !

Word for word the same arguments they use. They even site basically the FBI crime report equivalent for dogs and do the 'Akshully pit's aren't even responsible for most attacks' and ignore severity and per-capita rate like the apologists for those other savage beasts do.

Somewhere Cesar Milan is wearing an Andy Capp hat and citing FBI pit bull crime statistics in to an unplugged mike on a wildly obscure podcast, all while forgetting to laugh.

"It's a chocolate lab hellhole"

"Oh you love to go right back to that dog breed thing don't you."


You mean Jungle-Americans?

My aunt legitimately did have a really good one but I'd sure as shit never own one.

I read that they used to be americans' favourite only 100 years ago, but they've been bred into these turbo dogs since. Same for Alsatians.

There are too many mixes- they would be penalized because of asshole owners. It's not much different than gun violence. If you have a pit or pit mix that is aggressive, then don't have it around small children and live in the boonies. I have rescued mixes before and never had one issue. But that's because I'm not an asshole and I have 30 years experience working with dogs- most breeds and obedience training.

I see what you mean, yes. There were active guard and police dogs where I lived who were entirely trustworthy, but I'd keep a distance from a fool with a single Rottweiler. Most accidents - all causes - are avoidable by using your head, I think.

Poor kid.

Yeah that's scary shit at that age

I hate those fucking monsters and I love dogs.

Land Sharks

We could make society a lot safer just by putting all pitbull owners in prison with their dumb monster dogs.

And get rid of that ESA thing. No one is using that law for its intended purpose; it's just become a scam to get around 'no pets' policies.

My next door neighbor has one and hasn't taken it outside ONCE in it's life. It's surrounded by kids 50% of the time and it's just a matter of time till it mauls one of the kids as they run around screaming. Neighbor also lets pitbull bark all day and does nothing to stop it. If I ever got the chance I'd kill it myself, but it never even leaves the house to go to the garden area. I'd shoot it out my window with no hesitation, dangerous dogs and retarded owners go hand in hand. Fucker should be forced to give up his dog and pay fines or some shit. It's too easy for people to get these things.

Assault dogs really should be more regulated

Glad she's suing the airline & owner for $1.1 mil.

The pitbull's owner should be sued into bankruptcy by this girl's mother, a potentially fatal attack caused by negligence of the owner, little girl is likely to be traumatized from this mentally, too.

No more animals for this retarded owner, and hopefully she'll be paying legal fees the rest of her life as as compensation.

Dog should be destroyed humanely with a shotgun blast to the back of the head.