Better radio presenters than anyone in the O&A world 1/4847473737

4  2019-03-04 by Dennyislife


I had never seen this and it popped up in my recommended videos the other day. Fuck Coogan is a genius.

His newest TV show with partridge is a savage take down of UK magazine shows I doubt it would travel well to the US but fuck is it funny.

First full episode is up on youtube as well. It's good. Glad he brought Simon from Mid Morning Matters back.

it's not, it's shit. coogan forgot how to play the character years ago.

I disagree I think Mid Morning Matters was some of the best Partridge stuff ever. Didn't like the movie but MMM is genius.

I think he's growing into it if anything.

hope you still don't think this after last night's ep. Just dreadful

It was fantastic. No idea what you are bleating on about. Rewatch the old stuff. The newer stuff is better imo

The original 1997 "I'm Alan Partridge" won't be beat. Too understated for some tastes, I know.

Whats it called please?

This time with Alan Partridge.

Its a spoof of a very specific show in the UK but I think if you like Partridge you'll like it.

My girl says she'd pump coogan. Thats her big celebrity crush.

hey steve, did you fuck courtney love?

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it was in the notes is why I ask.

Is this the part when Jim and Sam call the intern in and mock him relentlessly, when in reality it was stupid Norton who didn’t bother to prepare for his grueling 3 hour/day job?

I wouldn’t know. I’ve probably heard 2 hours combine if Jim and Sam. It’s mind-numbing garbage.