Permanently Suspended

126  2019-03-04 by Moveinslience


Kuhnmia is frightening

And somehow looks better than either Cumia or Kuhn

Honestly looks whiter than either of those coons.

The two hundred dollar Kuhn. They made him gayer, blacker, drunker

Instead of that cool million dollar man sound, when the two hundred dollar Kuhn springs into action, he makes a ass pounding, car crashing, and a 110 beat per minute rap beat sound all at the same time.

What happens when Anthony and Po fucked. RAAAPPE GENTLEMEN...

Artie Lange wishes he had that nose

has anyone found out this guy's prison mail address yet?

Hey maybe with that kind of wit you can call in to the Anthony kuhnmia show today since it's free and make my call look like shit

Or fuck it up completely and humiliate myself. There is that possibility, too. I think I will just criticize the efforts of better men, thank you.

Yes we did a long time ago, you have to mail it to a mail processing facility in Florida, just need his prison number and they'll send it to his prison.

Monday morning mashup!

Man, whoever has been making these is good. That is just freaky and downright unsettling. I've seen the mugshot enough times to recognize is it, and Anthony's ugliness is bespoke like a snowflake. Damn, that's a funny picture..

If you put sams awful hair on that atrocity it would be sidebar worthy.

Permanently apprehended lol come on guys, am I right?

It's an improvement


He looks like a midlevel mobster from the southeast of France.

brown noser

I think I see Dave Smith somehow...