vapid whore simulator promoted by reddit

0  2019-03-04 by xxxxxxxxx9xxxxxxxxx



Came here to say this, thank you for your service.

There's nothing more straight than wanting to follow 93 guys into some pussy. Is pussy really pussy if it's not covered in someone else's cum? I think not.

For a lot of guys the sexual revolution must be defended at all cost because it’s like inflationary monetary policies sure it devalues everything but for some guys it’s their only chance at spill over sex.

Well said (no sarcasm). I just don't understand why even decent looking girls play along. No need to behave and/or look like a slut.

A lot don’t. And binge drinking helps prime the pump to continue the monetary analogy.

I may not be in the most representative environment atm, but it could be the tide is turning somewhat from what I see here. There's hardly any interest for or identification with the era from the late 60's to the late 90's, especially not with any of the ideologies. Not the place to write an essay, but I could give you quite a few examples from daily life here.

Yea the seeds of a new modesty movement were forming in the 2000s but that got destroyed by Bush’s being linked to it and the Iraq war which basically turned anything bush was associated with radioactive. Time will tell.

Upvoted so more people can see what an insecure faggot you are.

Sorry that you're offended Reddit doesn't promote your deeply held family values that you don't live by yourself.

There's nothing more straight than wanting to follow 93 guys into some pussy. Is pussy really pussy if it's not covered in someone else's cum? I think not.

This is fucking retarded argumentation beyond the fact it relies on a complete assumption. If he did live by them it’s not like you wouldn’t be equally dismissive.

Also he's a Jew.

I don't know what this is, but confused-looking woman usually = good.

Women with worse tattoos than Linz Bella 1/1

Meet your host: Tyronne

Whose favorite story is waking up after being drugged and raped?

depends on the drugs