Now that you 'tards have transitioned into voting for unqualified reality TV stars for presidency, here's another candidate for 2020. #PaulieD2020

0  2019-03-04 by IamTheFluffiestBun


K. Feel better now, bud?


That's right, let it all out.


‘The situation’

I think he just got out of federal prison. Sadly, convicted felons cannot be president.

Sure they can.

How would they get a security clearance?

That’s a good question.


I'm guessing you're a limey faggot, OP?

Nice try with the hate

the only good egg douche from that show

Harmless guinea.

No Euro fags allowed.

UK/Anglos are not part of continental Europe, nice try with the hate though. The UK is shafting the EU as we speak, massive butthurt on the continent considering we've contributed a massive amount of money to Europe and have been getting nothing beneficial in return, the gravy train is about to end. Europeans are faggots and generally disliked by the majority of the UK.

Asia and Europe are also contiguous; they have no defined boundary.

“I now declare February national fist pump month!”

This made me laugh way too hard, thank you for your service

UK/Anglos are not part of continental Europe, nice try with the hate though. The UK is shafting the EU as we speak, massive butthurt on the continent considering we've contributed a massive amount of money to Europe and have been getting nothing beneficial in return, the gravy train is about to end. Europeans are faggots and generally disliked by the majority of the UK.

Asia and Europe are also contiguous; they have no defined boundary.