Can anyone imagine how bad Ant’s acne was in High School?

8  2019-03-04 by RBuddCumia

I was recently watching a documentary on poet, Charles Bukowski. There’s a section of the doc where they talk about Buwkoski’s horrific acne scars. While in high school, friends explain his face was covered with pimples, even more than most of us experienced.

In order to have such apparent scars, one has to realize how unsightly Ant’s condition, like Bukowski’s, must have been. I imagine he was a pariah amongst women and his peers just because of the acne alone. Like Beige said in one of his documentaries on Ant, this is probably why we don’t hear much from Ant about his high school days. The extent of the acne must have been unfathomable being that the effects of it still terrorizes the masses today.


bad enough that Michael Jackson would not have jerked off onto his ass.

No more bad then his grades

Nice awful grammar while criticising someone else's scholastics, stupid.

Can I interest you in a "worse than" during these trying times?

You must not have read his pamphlet (book), redditard. He was drowning in pussy in highschool. In fact, according to the pamphlet, he had a girlfriend when he took a fancy to his brother's sloppy seconds.

He was a fucking loser then and he's a fucking loser now

No shit, stupid.

I can't even imagine how bad Ant's freshman year was. He probably got the shit beat out of him at least three times a week.

John Glenn High didnt take too kindly to nerds in 1976

Buddy of mine’s face was one gigantic scab for like 3 years in high school

Did you fuck him!


You’re a terrible friend.

He continued to have bad acne into his mid 30’s, when he’s talked about taking Accutane to control it. That’s a very harsh drug, especially if you drink.

Accutane was approved in '82, probably was even more horrible for you back then. Really is a last resort for acne, it can permanently fuck your organs/mental health.

why do you think Ant ditched every one of his classes and couldn't graduate? deep burning self hatred.

He also considered Stuttering John calling him "Pocky" as "Going for the jugular".