Watch out everyone. This guy is out of control!

29  2019-03-04 by RBuddCumia


He’s a walking billboard for the ineffectiveness of those drugs. If he ever made it Big Pharma would snuff him out like they did Brody Stevens.

Joe might just be the most boring man who ever lived.

Enough about your meds you self involved yawn.

But he's 40 and unable to provide for his family! Isn't that count for something?

Idk why he thinks his meds make him so special. Over half the people I know take the same medications as he does and are fine because they didn't choose a stupid career they're completely unqualified for.

He has Narcissistic Personality Disorder; I know people irl who have been diagnosed with it and they're EXACTLY like Materese.

Materese thinks everything about him is special. A delusional & angry little man.

  • Exaggerates own importance
  • Believes he is special and can only be understood by other special people
  • Requires constant attention and admiration from others
  • Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
  • Is often envious of others and believes other people are envious of him

People with NPD come across as needy, self-absorbed children. Because they are, mentally.

T. Millon thought there were different 'subtypes' of Narcissim.

Millon would probably diagnose Materese as a 'Compensatory narcissist':

"Including negativistic and avoidant features; Seeks to counteract or cancel out deep feelings of inferiority and lack of self-esteem; offsets deficits by creating illusions of being superior, exceptional, admirable, noteworthy; self-worth results from self-enhancement."

That's interesting stuff. They had a student here who had something similar; way was years ago, but the stories still circulate.

20mg?! u/CarolsBustedMug comment? I go deep with the mental illness but you are the go to.


I hope he pulls a brody stevens

He's on ADD meds -- basically speed -- and SSRI's. He's got serious problems.

>Celexa (citalopram) should be administered at an initial dose of 20 mg once daily, with an increase to a maximum dose of 40 mg/day at an interval of no less than one week.

So now he's up to the initial recommended dose? No fucking stopping this guy.

I always thought doctors only recommended 6 months to a year for SSRIs. Isn't the point that they get you through a bad period while you get therapy, fix your problems, etc?

Nope. It's 6 months to a year only if you're depressed from an external cause (usually a major loss of some kind), but for depression/bipolar that's primarily genetic and has nothing to do with what's going on with your life, chances are you'll be on it the rest of your life and that's expected

Benzos are more short term. SSRIs are for when you finally give up. It goes benzos/ SSRIs/ suicide.

Didn't even try the fun stuff yet.

I can't stand people who make one tiny detail of their lives their entire identity. WE GET IT JOE YOU TAKE MEDICATION. Can't wait till this psychopath goes off the rails and Benoits himself and his family.

Narcissistic zilches like Joe would never do the world the favor of offing himself.

I could see him holding his family hostage until Hollywood gave him a sitcom, though. He’s basically already doing that.

People who brag about taking crazy pills are embarrassing. Don’t air your dirty laundry for the whole world to see you mental midget.

My wife supports me and writes me pill prescriptions to numb my anger and depression which stems from having to be supported by my wife AAGABAGOOO

I can't see how a struggling stand up comedian and stay at home Dad who depends on his successful wife's income to support his rapidly fading dreams of making it in showbiz could ever be depressed. Nope, he must have a chemical imbalance in his brain.

Nobody gives a fuck Joe

Why is he so eager to tell people he's on meds all the time?

What he doesnt know is that combining adderall with that shit fries your brain beyond repair

Look at those desperate tags


Yeah and the Richard Lewis tag too. And he's an alcoholic too?

maybe he should have dealt with his anxiety back then instead of relying on pills.

usually anxiety is your brain telling you your shits fucked up somewhere and people happily shovel pills down their throats instead of confronting that shit head on. then you just become another faggot on pills