I guess people just don't enjoy reading anymore

76  2019-03-03 by crookedmile


To be a fly on those African eyeballs

Yeah, I noticed all the shit on the walls but look at that disingenuous smile on his face. 15 years ago, he had fans that came out in droves to see o&a at live events. But when no one showed up other than his compound media lackeys and hanger on’ers, he knew. I feel like after years of lying to himself, this right here is the moment he knew his career was over.

Yeah, I noticed all the shit on the walls but look at that disingenuous smile on his face. 15 years ago, he had fans that came out in droves to see o&a at live events. But when no one showed up other than his compound media lackeys and hanger on’ers, he knew. I feel like after years of lying to himself, this right here is the moment he knew his career was over.

Baby dickyyyyy

When’s the next signing? Didn’t he say he’s doing them all over the country?

He definitely cried at some point that night.

Pissy-eyed fag

He could totally play Moe in a live action Simpsons

I’m looking for Amanda Hugginkisschildren.

He's too old. Maybe mr burns.

Or Smithers because he's a faggot

Nana is so cute with her sharpies and reading glasses

everyone has a book in them and in most cases that’s where it should stay

That smile cracks me up. He can't even accept his own failure.

Should be his fucking head in his hands

My brother has all these books

I see what you did with those book posters you cheeky devil you!!!

Compare that to the crowds he would draw with Opie for even a failed experiment like XFL Gameday https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BKvUPzKKcGQ

On a related note, when the fuck did Barnes & Noble become a fucking toy store?

When they realized there's a hell of a lot more money in LEGOs than books.

"There's seven Sharpies in my ass, and there's always room for eight!"

Does he ever mention that he wrote a book? Or is it like it never happened because nobody gave a fuck?

This is a good question, although he never actually wrote anything and just funneled audio through cheap ghostwriters. If anyone here still listens to compound media it would be interesting to know if he ever plugs it.

I don't even think the fans of his network talk about it . It's like it never happened.

How about “The Sue Lightning and the Sun”

Poor Leonard

Four markers to make sure the tens of thousands of O&A fans would be able to get a signature from him. Bottle of water to make sure he doesn't dehydrate from all that signature writing. Senile idiot.

Love how the store owner hid Anth by the emergency exit and the "Art, Design & Photography" area to make sure this ghoul doesn't scare off any customers.

Look at his gay little smile. I wonder what this mo was thinking at this exact moment. "This is it! My moment to rise again! Any minute now those doors are going to open up and this place will be flooded with Compound Media subscribers! I'm going to give these fans the real stories about how mean Opie is and how I slay hot pussy 24/7! I hope I don't run out of Sharpies!" :D

Meanwhile, his legally retarded brother is standing outside while a blue haired, obese Antifa warrior bests him in the human game of chess.

"Sosososososossoso you're saying that my faggot brother isn't going to need four Sharpies? Let me buy you a coffee and explain what's really going on in this world, buster!"