Shut the fuck up, old man. You’re obsessed.

123  2019-03-03 by RBuddCumia


Want to suck my big baby fleshy

Way too busy with what? What do they have him doing down at the Apple Ranch?

Nice capital “I”, stupid.

Him being a dickhead to the TSA at the end is so fucking rude. It’s not even clever, but he looks into the camera with a mischievous grin like he thinks he’s the next Sacha Baron Cohen.

Both do look to be of middle eastern descent.

"Im too busy" how? Between cancelled gigs and obsessing over this subreddit I cant see how he has any time.

certainly not enough time to get his kid to school

Remember what Opie said about people that say they aren't bothered?

I love that guy. Would love to grab a cold road soda with him and the guys

We're going leaf peeping out on Long Island this year, can't wait to catch up with brothaman.


It’s a joooooooke!

Joe Cumia needs to visit the ER at least 3 times per month to have his fist removed from his mouth

Busy? He doesn't fucking work. loafs around the house all day, drives an hour once a month for a gig that we didn't get cancelled.

Joe "My take? Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah blah nigger blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" Cumia


Booker: we've been made aware of some of your troubling social media posts

Joe: I don't USE social media. See it says so right HERE on my facebook

As a lawyer, I see people trying to prove things using this method every day.

Please point out the person who asked.

The FBI Child Sex Crimes Unit. Also he represented himself in court.

As a lawyer, can you my suck on my penis?

I always thought having social media was stupid as shit; what moron puts all their info out there for everyone to see? I still don't get it, the cons massively outweigh any pros. Fucking generation of narcissists.

Guitarzan? Wow, just wow.

What a swarly looking family

He’s not a fan of social media like Bobby’s not a racist of food.

I'm not a fan of social media, i just spend every waking moment of my life on it, so much that i can't get my daughter to school or have a job.

Why is social media capitalized?

Joe is legally retarded.

Card carrying

he's a boomer

Why is "it" capitalized?

I think what he meant to say was:

I'm a fan of Social Media. I'm here to fight. Always. Come at me combatants. I'm way too ready.

I guess you don't need to be a fan of something you're obsessed with.


Is there some term in psychology or sociology or somewhere else that means the little annoying as fuck things that someone does that really don't mean shit, but are so ridiculous as to become focal points of ridicule?



"Just like Eric!"

I'm sure there are tons more.

I am at the tender age of 69 and I don't give a dick about so so media

Kidding me Joe? What a lying dope, when does the pretending stop? Fuckin’ guy acts like he’s above the fray, while simultaneously cosplaying as a member of U2, a fictional motorcycle gang, and a 16 yo orphan boy?

“I’m here to observe, mostly.”

I suppose so, if observation translates to being balls deep in every outdated, simpleton method of clandestinely interacting with the people that hate your guts. Drop dead, you hump.

  1. He doesn't have a full time job.
  2. He cant even get his kid to school on time. What exactly ties up most of his time? Child spit auctions?

What exactly ties up most of his time?

Fruitlessly arguing with people he doesn't know on the internet, and making a fool of himself.


Busy?!?!?! Sure he is........sure.

You are 60 year old looser cunt. Don’t have a fucking job or career. Just do the world a favor and kill your brother and then commit suicide.

He thinks he’s fucking Darwin

joe is a hyperintelligent alien observing us from orbit