REMINDER: Joe cumia openly brags about not being able to produce enough testosterone on his own

39  2019-03-03 by thisonemademelaugh2



His methods of supplementing are unorthodox, to say the least.

He calls it the triple T method. Tapping Tweens for Testosterone

That is how you know you are a fucking boomer, you are proud that you need drugs like Test and Viagra to continue to be a man.

Live proud needing drugs and hormones to be a man, when so many of us can do so naturally.

Way to got, Joe. Next you will be bitching about the heart medication your doctor has you on makes you piss a lot.

You are officially ready for the home you unlovingly shoved your mother into to die forgotten by all her male sons, you fucking limpdicked doughy soy infused faggot.


The pharmacist tries to be discreet bc she's embarrassed for him and Low T Joe strolls up to the counter taking selfies

Joe would brag about penis enlargement surgery thinking hes telling the world he will have a big dick instead of telling everyone he currently has a tiny dick. No Joe, saying you're taking testosterone doesnt mean you will be a superbeast, it means you are being brought back to normal.

Rogan as well

Joe just hopes he can raise his t-count directly through cumshots. Hoping he can just absorb that T subdermally.

I hope his pharmacist is black.

Would make sense. Most of his friends at the gloryholes are.

There is nothing wrong with supplementing Test at an advanced age. But normally those men work out a lot, like for example Joe Rogan. Higher T levels mean better recovery and more muscle synthesis among other things. I dont know why Brother Joe thinks its necessary since he sits on his fat ass all day and rants on Facebook

The more body fat you carry, the more of that testosterone will convert to Estrogen. Probably why he has such a nice set of cans on him.

Does anyone have the video of him shooting up with the pulp fiction music in the background?