Crowder with another homerun

1  2019-03-03 by unclepaul84


What kills me about this virgin is that he thinks he is edgy by offending Hillary type voters. How hard is that

...there is a sense of intellectual snobbery with alt-right ''personalities'' , but the guy IS right !

Crowder isn’t alt right lmao he’s a neocon like Tucker Carlson. They are trying to go back and act like they are populists now, but they are just doing PR work for Israel. All of Rebel media (basically Canadian blaze where Gavin used to do vids for) was flown out to Israel for re-education.

what the fuck are you babbling about

He doesn't pick equally matched people to speak with either. Most of the idiots on a college campus are just going with the flow trying to fit in.

I actually think he is unironically a virgin too, he is chaste