Non-customer goes inside bar to clean dog shit from her shoes using the toilet, upsets owner. "This is how you treat customers?" (wait for it)

24  2019-03-03 by crookedmile


Thats fucking great. Its amazing how entitled that cunt was. Such a shame he didn't knock her out.

I enjoyed how she kept accusing him of hitting her, then immediately after he did she goes "Now you hit me, see"

Its the entitled feminist cunt dream to be hit by men. They finger themselves to sleep about it.

And now that he did what's she going to do, go to the local authorities? Good fucking luck sweetheart

Spitting in someone’s face is definitely assault.

I thought it was considered a delicacy in Vietnam

And certain households on Long Island.

You notice the hit only messed her up for .1 of a second then rebooted to back bitch mode

Black women can take a punch. Remember the bus driver that had that mean uppercut (you goin to jail now!)? He smashed her good and she was still fighting him as he threw her off the bus.

I had punch my black girlfriend once we she came charging at me, bitch flew across the room felt guilty but then I remember all the times she hit me for no reason

Probably not something you should admit to.

Lol what was it?

Physically abusing their ex.

I vote for the zip

I read a thing about some anti-vapper who smoked. He said he would love nothing more than to blow ciggy smoke in a vappers face while grinning. I thought what would happen if someone walked up to me and blew smoke in my face. It's the same if you spit in someone's face, you deserve whatever happens next.

I don’t smoke anymore but I might start again if I see you with your hot ass girlfriend so I can establish dominance.

Nothing attracts women more than the smell of stale cigarettes, yellow teeth/fingers and chronic coughing

Miss Piggy? If you want to chase that revolting mess, be my guest.

i miss when chinks would be sitting on roofs with rifles.

Did you see that LA 92 documentary? It’s got some amazing armed/shooting Asians shit in it. It’s on Netflix now, it’s one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen.

I agree. There is definitely footage I'd never seen before even after watching almost a dozen docs on the riots. One scene, in particular, showing that person with the caved in skull was really difficult to watch. It's a non-funny version of the head-smash scene in Toxic Avenger

Those were gooks. Chinks' buckteeth are so elongated that they interfere with properly shouldering a rifle.

you can tell she has a twitter account

I hate that I find her hot

Does she think the Saigon PD are going to roll in, arrest him no-questions-asked and put the place out of business?

Asians should take over our culture completely.

This video is appalling. Why didn’t her knock her out instead of just giving a little slap?

She's sexy man we should have her in the studio

Physically abusing their ex.

I thought it was considered a delicacy in Vietnam