
26  2019-03-03 by Random1200



A watermark, who would steal this for any reason known to man?

One of those obesity in America news reports?

I wonder how many times she was featured on the random footage of fat asses segment of the news.

Feeder fetish sites?

Brick Shit House, Amy (((Schumer)))

This is like when Johnny Sack catches Ginny cheating on her diet.

Tee hee, I'm a disgusting fat pig but it's funny because I'm pregnant!

She’s not particularly smart, funny, attractive, skinny, humble or a good actor. Oh, and a Jew.


Humiliating for that faggot that fathered the child. What a thick ankled test.

I was having a somewhat good day too. Fuck you.

Between Norton’s prop comedy and this shit, what happened to the cellar crew? Can’t wait for diPaolo’s new “You might be a New Yawker if...” not.

Baby Powder Facial. Great bit.


Lmao!.... she’s crazy SMH lol!

Look at her preggo leg spread. Heinous. When is she dropping lardo anyway?

god do I pray its a waterhead

Not sure, just hope someone else is around when it happens so she doesn't eat the litter.

Elephants have a two-year gestation period.

Fat joke thief.

I've been drinking all day and this picture seriously made me feel like throwing up.

I just woke up at 6am, saw the thumbnail and knew this was a post-breakfast situation.

I'd assume this is not even close to the most powdered sugar she's had on her face before.

Ali Wrong

Ha ha! She's funny because she smeared food on her face!

This is the biggest tourist trap in New Orleans. Why would this fat zionist pig think it would be funny to smear sugar and food all over her face? Knowing that most people wouldn't recognize her fat, swollen visage?

I hate her so much.

That place has nothing even remotely approximating air conditioning. It's a barn full of fat tourists eating fried dough and drinking coffee. This is the only time of year that this hog can cover her face with sugar here, have a photo taken, and not immediately die from the humidity and heat.

Jeselnik had her best fleeting years

I know it's his own doing, but I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy a stuck with her now.

One of those obesity in America news reports?

Feeder fetish sites?