That time Joe went on some redneck podcast and the sub ruined it for Joe and the hosts

22  2019-03-02 by WhatsInThatTacoMeat

Looking to see if anyone had a recording still or even remembered the name of the podcast? Pretty sure it was around the time of Anth's network starting and for some reason Joe was making the rounds promoting. I remember the sub ruining it for everyone involved and I'd like a refresher if possible


Thank ya sir

Why are these hosts that nobody has ever heard of complaining how no "redditard" has the guts to tweet at him? You can't tweet anybody you don't know exists.

It's so funny that they kept saying stuff like "man you guys are giving us our highest rated show ever!)

If I remember there was like 10 people calling them and not even 100 in the feed.

About 10 minutes in SamcroJoe complained about the SOA cast being “ Hollywood actors “ that are nothing like the characters they play. He said it like it was a revelation. Holy Shit is he stupid