"If you believe in one conspiracy you shouldn't be able to doubt other ones" - World's Dumbest Man

60  2019-03-02 by WhatsInThatTacoMeat


The earth is flat.

I saw a bird fly, therefore I assume all animals can fly.

Worse than that. You shouldn't be allowed to doubt that other animals can't fly

Eddie honestly is a dumb motherfucker but him threatening to choke Alex Jones out for the NASA shirt was a rare funny moment from him tho.

It's not rare, he's full of funny moments. He also happens to be a fucking idiot though

I wish someone would tell Eddie there's a government conspiracy to popularize Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to make the population gayer. See if he'll doubt that one.

"9/11 was a controlled demolition because all the scientists and engineers say so"


"the earth is flat because science is fake"

Most Mestizos are dumb.

Spics are just slow-talking, sleepy, stupid people.

Mexicans are Mestizo (mixed) Indian and Spanish from Europe. The spic part is Spanish and they talk fast.

Do you think I'm taking the time to be accurate when I'm generalizing about and slandering a race of people?

I’m accurate with my racism.

He is gargantuan retard.

He is a Mexican. What did you expect

I fucking love Eddie.

Eddie Bravo, destroyer of all podcasts