It hath been 16 years since the year of mine conception....

60  2019-03-02 by JUSTfmyshitup

I has't hath followed o&a mine entire life. Mine step father, Shawn beat mine mother and is of dark complexion. I am 16 and that gent is 48 and could kicketh mine rampallian probably. The fact is that gent got to hump and beat mine mother and escaped retribution. I hath asked myself whither could I findeth people to holp harrass others? The o&a subreddit! doth thee knoweth whither I could findeth aid with this?


Keep fuckin' that chicken.

Have you ever been judged as able to enter contracts?

From what I understand, he's a racist and therefore cannot enter contracts.

You fucking retard, racists have been able to enter contracts ever since the momentous precedent of Judge Milian c. 2017.

Racists CAN enter contracts!


16 years since exit of thine mothers loin

I was getting mad at your improper old-timey grammar before I remembered this is supposed to be Joe.