Imagine trying to describe what Ruizing means to someone who asks why its says that on your hat

31  2019-03-02 by Dennyislife


They would probably think it's something political and not even bother asking.

So Ruizing is getting drunk and eating food? Maybe dancing with a drink in your hand? That’s it?

being bald and trying to hide it with hats for people far younger and darker in skin tone i think

Ruizing is when you blow two guys at once while getting fucked in the ass.

That's similar to the brojoe. His is a DP though.

So Ruizing is getting drunk and eating food?

Close, you also have to chain smoke in addition to the booze and sloppy food

It's being an uppity raft nigger.

No, It's dying young to a massive coronary heart attack.

Why is the image of the hat so poorly cut and paste out of whatever the original image was?

sloppy work

Id kick my own ass if I wear anything with a hashtag on it.

Fawk yeah just ordered an orange one

Did you get an ajustable one so you can fix it as you lose weight?

"Remember Opie, from Opie and Anthony? Well--"


Well, this show used to exist during the '90s when stern was big but they got fired and now one guy from there is friends with someone named Ruiz, and he eats junk food and drinks alcohol...and when he does it it's called #Ruizing and eating unhealthy foods is a defining part of my personality, so I got the hat.

Imagine wearing camo.

Now what?

A kiss?

Nice crooked embroidery you slob.


ruizing is what your panicked breathing sounds like during a heart attack

I'm a little unclear on its meaning myself. Does #Ruizing refer to what Brother Joe does with a rotisserie chicken?

people should just keep their interests to themselves. this is why headphones are a brilliant invention