Fucking yuck.

140  2019-03-02 by RBuddCumia


You will NEVER see this shit in Eastern Europe ... black plague is contained at the border

Eastern Europeans are subhuman, not even sandniggers want anything to do with them or their shitty countries

Eastern Europeans commit more crime here (UK) than any other ethnic group per capita and are massively over-represented in prisons

When will they BEHAVE

Here’s the difference. Any Brit with an ounce of moral courage sailed West generations ago. Any Pole with moral courage stays where he is. Modern UK has the worst natives and the worst immigrants.

Do you live in Europe? What's it like over there with all the migrant shit?

I'm Australian but I live in Central Europe, the migrant headaches are pretty much contained to Western Europe, mainly UK, Germany, France & Sweden who have pretty much doomed themselves in the long-term as they've already imported enough Mohammedans to eventually alter the demographic balance.

In any case, I wouldn't live in any of those countries if you paid me, its so much nicer here.

I went to Italy and Prague on the same trip, and it's bizarre how different they are. In Trieste, a gang of Muslims grilled my wife about whether she was )ewish and I think they were trying to figure out if they could pimp her out (literally.) In Prague it was just one solid week of delicious, inexpensive food and beautiful sights. I can see why people in Italy are getting tired of this shit.

Haha, sounds like you had a run-in with Libyan sex traffickers, they're all over the place north of Rome, further south is mostly Africans, the natives are fucking sick of the lot of them, which is why the right-wing parties are rapidly gaining power, they're keen on mass-deportation.

Prague is stunning, they filmed Amadeus there because it so closely resembled 18th century Vienna, just wall-to-wall Baroque goodness. That's the great thing about this part of Europe, it's culturally and aesthetically Germanic but without the PC diversity cancer that's ruining Western Europe, the people here are unapologetically nationalist and openly hostile to Third World immigration and now that general economic growth is really taking off it'll be prime real estate in a decade or so, I'm already heavily invested.

That's fantastic. I've often daydreamed about starting a business, and central or Eastern Europe is where I'd hire people if I did. Basically lots of smart people and the wages are affordable.



That middle eastern accent is atrocious no fucking thanks

Ah-Ccccchamala-ccchamala! Ccchudah-ha-fezah ha-la-la!

You don't find that absolutely enchanting???

I'm I truly just racist, or do non-European foreign accents just sound uglier?

Not racist. They're shit. Carry on.

"I mean airplane food, when you are hijacking, it's the worst."

“And don’t even get me started on people who talk during beheading videos. I get you were there and already saw it. Guess what buddy? the rest of us haven’t so shut up!”

"One time me and a friend were at a hookah lounge getting stoned... we had bumps on our heads for weeks!"



the best jokes

when will jews in the media stop lying?

"Let's import a bunch of people who hate Jews and deny the holocaust. That'll show those fucking goyim!"

That really is the plan. They have their enclaves, and if that fails, their wonderful ethnostate of Israel

Whites don't deserve a homeland.

That'll show us that the Jews are victims and not global manipulators.

That's the funny way to think of it, the humorless and real way to think of it is, "Let's push all the goy together and wait for them to kill one another."

lol fucking evil

Let's focus the attention of the white goyim on more obviously dysfunctional ethnic groups.

It's about expanding the ethnostate. Jews in Europe will flee to Israel and the goyim are fucked with no place to go

yeah they're offering all sorts of financial packages and other incentives to jews in France. Then they also fund israaid and literally thousands of smaller, off-the-radar NGOs whose purpose is to transport third world into Western countries en masse. It's not a conspiracy, you can google your way to the organizations stating their goals openly.

They've already changed the demographics permanently here in less than three decades. Every elementary school in my fairly white zip code is 100% muddy.

yeah well you've heard of 'gentrification' in urban areas. It doesn't take some massive social revolution, new laws, or even take a full decade to basically get rid of those people or move where they can't be near you, if you want. Young white parents who keept their heads down and avoided/pretended it isn't happening are already starting to draw the line when they realize what their kids are dealing with in these schools. It's going to be an interesting 50 years.

I enjoy seeing your rants without chapofag irony weighing it down in the subsequent comments.

gets out phrenology calipers ahh yes.. the Jewish brainpan

40+ votes

Yeah, it's almost like the Jews don't actually secretly run the world...

Would they be Jews if they stop lying?

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

If a Jew commits suicide in the forest and no one else is around to here it...not a problem

Not a problem even if you do hear it. Excuse me, "here" it.

Getting stoned means something different in my country,seriously folks I lost an eye & some of my hearing.

Aisha Qu'inn

hrmmhrrmmm nice pig capitalism, stupid

It's wonderful to see how feeble minded women are for them to be so convinced by men to cover up and try and spin it as empowering.


To be fair, it's for the reason that if they saw her hair, they couldn't help but to rape her.

Well, technically, she'd be asking to be raped so it wouldn't be up to them to control themselves.

They could make some good jokes with this material, but they probably don't.


"I was supposed to be stoned the other day, I caught my husband cheating on me with our goat, but the goat had been killed, and not in the halal way, so now he will be beheaded instead"

I stonewashed my wife the other day.

Islamist Rich Vos is a good bit

"You guyyyyysss, we all know what it's like when our clits are ritualistically cut off, right?"

"I have one friend who had her clit cut off, one who had acid thrown in her face and another one who isn't a preteen. Together, we call ourselves the Unfuckables!"

So, GUYS, I have a theory about why there is so much homegrown Islamic terrorism ... we just feel guilty that we were able to take over your major cities in a nonviolent way, I mean, if your great grandfather walked the streets of Paris in 2019....FOR SURE, you guys, he would think you lost a war

When is it okay to spit an Arab woman in the face? When her moustache is on fire.

More like Take-a-Baath Party, amirite?

All those hajjaj, they Mecca lotta noise!

C'mon folks.

Louie bin Laden:

When is it okay to spit an Arab woman in the face?

When you can see it

<drops mic> Booooooom! <building goes down, everybody dies>

Muslims: they’re just like US!!! 🤓

You ever fuck your cousin ? Shits crazy let me tell you folks.

I wonder if the author of this needed spine surgery after patting themselves on the back so hard.

Women be shopping, online because we can't drive.

I wouldn't have a problem with this other than they will continue to censor white men who are not jews


(after an intentional bomb)

If you thought that was bad, wait for my closer!

(opens shirt to reveal dynamite vest)

These savages don't allow women to drive a car and force them to cover themselves head to toe. In what fucking world do you live where you think it would be acceptable for a woman to go on a stage and tell jokes to a room full of people under Sharia law?

“Ladies, you ever put hummus on your twat and have your camel lick it off?”

Camels don't eat the coosxchie, ohkay?

Here's da ting...


"I mean a New York clitorectomy is all like this, but an LA clitorectomy be all like this an shit."

"And what's the deal with women having rights?"

This crap is peddled because too many young guys are too pussy to put up some solid idgaf material.

"This comedy stage, and the streets outside, are one and the same to me. They're places where I do my business."

yeah it isn't something to run from, it's something to get run over by.

I would not know this shit even exist if it wasn’t for this sub. Shows how much of a impact this really has

"is there anything worse than being gang raped on your period?"

So we're walking to school right and this guy throws acid in my face. Not even like the cool fun acid of the 60s. Literal acid. Now I'm standing there covered in this stuff, I look over at my friend who still has one eye left and I said. "Gotta love Mondays right."

I ordered the hummus


"When your husbands new wife us only 12, how are we supposed to compete with that right ladies?" "Thank God for the chemical properties of acid, oh I'm so naughty".

Why the fuck are they doing this shit!?

"So I was being whipped in the public square for wearing trousers the other day, and..."

I wouldn't mind if the jokes were actually funny but somehow I feel like they will all be directed at how hilariously ignorant the native people's of the most racially inclusive nations on the planet are in comparison to the extremely welcoming folk of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.


You should give some credit at least for using that pic. At least there's honesty in there. The worst thing about SJW comedy is the guise of the comedy part. Own the narrative? Fuck off, but it's better than saying "well this is the only candidate for what's funny now, because it's not punching down".

She needed the Sunni, oh!

Good O&A related post, reported for political faggot shit


This is the music as they come on stage https://youtu.be/FdDDiEkRbvQ

What do Muslim men do on Saturday nights? Lay under palm trees and eat their dates.

Just joking ladies, we know they never go down. My girl in the back laughin, she know

Own the narrative about what? Your murderous shitty stone age religion? Fucking muzzie spontaneous combustion?

"The only ISIS I'm down with is the Egyptian goddess of fertility yall"

thunderous applause

So whats the deal with cutting off clits? Amirite?

I used to stone infidels to death. I still do, but I used to too.

this is somehow more morbid and disorienting than the recent string of men with wigs beating out biological women in female only athletic events. There's something similar about these two things.

Islam will save masculinity.

"...to get to the other side! Get it? Get it??"

(pulls out razor blade, slits wrists)


Gotta love the taste of cheap propaganda shoved down your throat

Article by Alice (((Kantor))) every.single.time.

Woman laughing uproariously at her own joke, definitely not the mark of an amateur hack.

Pretty tough to do “my vagina” material when your father and the local shaman removed half of yours at birth

"so I'm on my way to decapitate children for watching a soccer game when all of a sudden... U guessed it, my period!"

So then we made dee white women drink bleach and we choked her with dee wire and then we said, can you Smollet what Allah is cooking?!

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

If a Jew commits suicide in the forest and no one else is around to here it...not a problem

I went to Italy and Prague on the same trip, and it's bizarre how different they are. In Trieste, a gang of Muslims grilled my wife about whether she was )ewish and I think they were trying to figure out if they could pimp her out (literally.) In Prague it was just one solid week of delicious, inexpensive food and beautiful sights. I can see why people in Italy are getting tired of this shit.

They've already changed the demographics permanently here in less than three decades. Every elementary school in my fairly white zip code is 100% muddy.

I enjoy seeing your rants without chapofag irony weighing it down in the subsequent comments.