I'm not a social media user. I don't know dick about the internet. I don't know anything about pedophilia or pedophilia websites. I am not a pedophile.

75  2019-03-02 by DannedFromBrama


He doesn’t know dick about playing guitar or singing


But he isnt pedophile

Yeah, you’re right. Who am I to judge

Whoa there, dont be too hasty, he might not be a pedophile

So what you are saying is, is that Joseph Cumia is not a pedophile?

Hey now, lets not get carried away, I never said that

I suppose, when we get down to it though, the real question is, can he enter into contracts?

Hes a pedophile though

$8.99 a month folks...

I love Joe. He's a complete retard when it comes to dealing with the Internet. It's fascinating watching him trying to deal with it. Side note. Dude still has a goatee like it's the 90's. Sad!

The only thing he keeps fresh on is child spit.

He sure is good at pretending he's sixteen. I wonder how he developed that skill?

The left earring means he sucks cock and the right one means he takes it up the shit pipe

Really fuckin pisses me off that we have the same facial hair style.