Rare picture of Dave Landau taking his wife on a date.

45  2019-03-01 by PhishInVa2


Aww. She’s adorable.

I've been seriously considering buying a Kunekune pig. Not for sex or anything like that sick fuck Landaue, I just kind of want a furry pig laying around.

Dave likes using her for truffle hunting too

I want a pig too but I don’t live on a farm or anything and I don’t think it’s a smart idea to raise an animal like that without ever having contact with other members of their species

See, for example, Sam Roberts.

I love them too, but you're right. Only dogs don't seem to mind that.

My best friend's mom had a pot bellied pig named Junior that lived to be 18 and he seemed happy as fuck. He had other animals around but no other pigs and he didn't ever bother with them. Junior was a good nigga. He had a nicer funeral than I'll have.

Would love that; there's no way now, but pretty sure I'll be in a position to have one later on.

That is not Dave's wife and that is not Dave.

Not sure what you mean but i can go to twitter and get a diff pic for you if you really need me to.

Looks like she’s taking him

Its kinda mutual thing. Shes not allowed in restaurants so he orders for her. Its cute.

You darn fool that's Kitchler Leslie's girlfriend.

Dave likes using her for truffle hunting too

I want a pig too but I don’t live on a farm or anything and I don’t think it’s a smart idea to raise an animal like that without ever having contact with other members of their species