Bill Burr's subreddit has daily posts about how troubling white men are.

95  2019-03-01 by Cumia_Box

Also the faggots there go through your comment history as if it matters.



Are they gunna give him permission to say nigger like they did with louie then take it back when they find out he is human?

you loving fantasies nigga, I reject yo deposit

Something something coming out of the closet.

shook dres punk ass now we outta the closet

White Men are evil how? By inventing everything good in the world?

Apparently so

When you replace white with Jewish it all makes sense. They're just too stupid to realize Shmolie Goldbergsteinowitz isn't white.

No because by virtue of being white we automatically are the enemy and any dislike of a person for any reason is due to our race.... child.


White people bad

By allowing 60's infantile loudmouths to start tearing down centuries of culture and good manners.

Dont you know that if the black folk of America had the same amount of time away from slavery they too would have come up with all that stuff. He said that, on stage 24 hours ago.

Yeah Africa is such a thriving continent that's pushing the world forward. I don't know why I thought any different. We bad people.

Guy makes an argument about how and why it’s probably not about Nia being black.

You’re wrong, its absolutely about Nia being black.

What is good enough for people like that? Clearly proclaiming yourself as not racist isn’t enough

F is for faggots.

apparently not complete faggots - even they hate Nia - maybe there is hope for them

Seen nothing but Nia defense there

idk - I have seen "can we stop shitting on Nia" thread on frontpage so I guess they shit on Nia a lot if such thread needed to be made.

No that's the typical reddit thing where they make a circle jerk "omg can we stop x?" because they saw 2 heavily downvoted negative comments on a thread once.

eh then they are complete faggots.

MAGA troll. It's amazing how quickly they whip that one out. I got called a MAGA troll earlier today for saying the Momo challenge is a hoax. Six months ago it was Russian Bots. 6 months before that it was Nazi. Whatever it takes to dismiss someone with a different opinion as "a bad guy".

Yup. Its pushy talk for not having an argument. /u/flangle1 is one of the biggest faggots ever. He claims to be a fan of bill burr but supports his recent comedy brickwall. Apparantly we had some conversation a while ago and he expected me to remember him.

Touched a nerve, huh? LOL. Nice to know you can't get over it.

Trying to involve me in your sick world elsewhere from our conversation? Seems a LITTLE OBSESSIVE, LOL.

Seek help.

You REALLY, REALLY need it.

Nice capitals, stupid.

Great comeback, junior.



Look at all the internet toughguys,

He actually used the "children" line. This is great.

Oh christ, maybe it's his alt

Lol, you're surprised more than one person considers your behaviour at best childish, at worst iredeemably misanthropic?

You know it. People you know...know it.

It must be a constant source of self-loathing rage for the non-ironic among you in this sub.

I know some of you are just playing around. The others don't get that. You're just making it worse for them. Tempering it. Ingraining it.

This is no fun anymore. I hope some of you escape from this mindset. I really do.

You spend too much time on social media

I can't stand facebook or twitter. Reddit comments give a pretty broad look at attitudes if you pay attention discounting the raucous hyperbole. I think FB and Twitter are perpetuating this kind of bullshit. Reddit is safe and anonymous. People fuck around for fun. I get that. We've never really had this awareness of what just regular people are broadcasting unanonymously in public now. It makes lots of people nervous. We're in the middle of a disasterous adjustment period in our culture. Tell me i'm wrong.

I think you should log out of reddit occasionally. Think it's affecting you in some adverse ways.

Yup, you make my case. You can't even have a normal discussion. Don't want the other Trogs to think you're a pussy? So I guess go fuck yourself. I know you understand that base language.

and you come here to do what?

shake your finger like a schoolmarm?

id hate to be that person

I think all these fags just like the prospect of "disciplining" children.

Come on man, just give me a "who hurt you". I'm so close to faggot bingo.

Go for broke, honey child

HAHAHAHAHAHA! CUM BOX DELETED ALL HIS POSTS. CHICKEN SHIT! LOL. Here's your little hero: his name name in this post is [deleted]. Just like last time. Run away. WEAK. LITTLE. MAN.

I made the name based off that. Also I didn't delete anything. It says you deleted everything for me. I assume the mods got embarrassed by your ramblings and just deleted everything. Also your post on the bill burr sub glorifying me got removed, that's holarious.

Non-mods can't delete anything someone else wrote. You don't know that? My comments are still there. Where are yours? You deleted your own comments. JUST LIKE LAST TIME. Stop acting like you didn't. YOU ARE WEAK BEFORE YOUR OWN KNUCKLE DRAGGING CLAN, LOL. Sleep curled up with them muttering to each other in your dark, racist, mysogynist, incel, shit-stanking clan cave.

You're comments aren't still there, dipshit, that whole conversation chain is deleted. The mods deleted both yours and his comments.

You write paragraphs like you take it up the ass.

Thank you sir.

Just like a loyal Trumpanzee, trying to flip the script. I hear they teach you that transparent tactic at your orange con man's nazi rallies. Lol, every downvote and comment proves you little girls just can't take it. Enjoy your womanless lives. Your Klan Cave is having a circle jerk later. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's all good. Grease up. I hear you're mostly frustrated closet gays anyhow. Just come out. No one will beat on you but your buddies. Don't worry though, once they come to grips with their true orientation they'll probably apologize. Lol. Probably.

Jesus, why would you write that out like anyone would read it or give a shit?

Yet here you are.

The fact that there's currently no downvote suggests you're just masking the fact you did read it.

You know you did. Lol.

Sure pal

Thank you for the extra bump. Need the last word? I feel like you do. I try to nurture even the lowliest of beasts. I'll let you have the last word. I swear.


Yo, quit acting like a fucking queer dude, it's annoying

You're lying. This shit is like candy to you. I mean why else are you reading and responding to it? You're plainly hypocritical.

Holy fuck you add nothing

You're too stupid to realize you're making my point? Wow. Your parents must be proud. They know you're getting to close to that GED. Just a few more dozen tries.

Last word.

If we're going to do a back and forth can you atleast be a little funny or a tad bit interesting? Can ya not do the "strange little queer who's obviously talking about himself" thing? Thx man.

Prove you're capable of not being manipulated. I don't think you can.



Lol. And this is the modern day left, guys. Go ahead say last word again. We didn't hear you last time. Can you speak up a little?


I'm fully independent because it allows me to rip on both sides, but is this what you conservative fags here deal with on a regular basis? I mean, holy fucking shit I kind of get it now

Trumpanzee? You should honestly kill yourself for typing that unironically.

If it throws handfulls of its own shit like a trumpanzee and screeches unintelligently like a trumpanzee, it is likely a trumpanzee.


I posted a screenshot retard.


I hope Nia Burr uses her brute primate strength to behead you with her bare hands.

What's with the caps lock, you in your sixties or something?

Yo, are you that deep legal shit guy? With the random case sensitivity and gay leetspeak, you're suspect

Baby boy really got the mods to lock comments on the Nia thread. No one even brigades it, stupid.

You're a one-man brigade, dawg

The caps lock really makes it look like he’s gotten to you.

You type like Joe Cumia. AKA a gay retard

Whatever the fuck that means. I'm guessing the rest of your tangled man-pile get it. I don't obsess over group-speak like your klan does.

Wow, so if men choose to fuck each other that's indignant? Honestly get your homophobia outta here.

And I don't use elections to justify my existence because I actually have family and friends.

No, just referring to this pile of just men in this subreddit. Just men. Men, men, men. What woman would subject herself to this misogynist cesspool? So, by process of elimination: man-pile. No judgement, just observation. Grind away. Lovingly rub each other's parts. In a way, it's art. The purest form of unjudgemental human interaction. I approve.

we have the most beautiful woman /u/sams_seed , you fucking pig, get out of here with your intolerance, this is a hate-free zone.


Now women will definitely fuck you!

You're mom sure can't get enough


Please keep posting.

That's an old reddit switcheroo. Nice try. You just can't read. But your mom could. She read the whole "do not remove this tag" warning label on the pillow she was biting while me, Juan, Javier and Julio DVDA'd her thick trailer trashy ass until sun-up. She insisted on role-playing as a border patrol guard who got gang raped by illegal immigrants crossing the border laden with 3 tons of peyote each. We were so sweaty, our fermunda ripe. She read us our Miranda rights like she wrote them herself, with perfect execution, over and over and over and over. That morning she gave us your portion of government cheese, she joked that our ball sacks tasted like government cheese. Yeah, she's probably right, we hadn't showered for nearly a week. Didn't bother her a bit, she said she learned the Miranda rights because your dad used to lend her out to neighbors in exchange for government cheese. We all laughed. She said for beaners we didn't taste very much like beans, we all laughed. We left last nights beans in her upturned mouth before we moved on. She joked that they were already 'refried'. We all laughed. Then left. We promised her we come back, just like your dad did, with the same intention of never returning. Her end. I mean, The End.

Don't mind me, I'm just documenting your rape fantasy:

Whatever. Good luck finding a use for it other than your own manic jerkfest. Bon Appétit, you insatiable cum-gargler. ((Not that there's anything wrong with your hobby, dang it, sorry sorry, It's your profession, not your hobby (stupid, stupid, stupid, sigh)).

we got our own ocazio cortez stupid

and she aint even hot, but she’s twice as dark and three times as crazy

Nobody says any of that shit here

Right. You worship a man whose vanity compels him to fake a tan, whine like a baby and steal money from US citizens with non-emergency emergencies to satisfy his narcissism when the country says no, reneges on his contractors, fires anyone who disagrees with him, incites violence at his nazi rallies, lies to his wife, his children, America and you lot, defends dictators 24-7, is in the pocket of Putin, grants top secret clearance to family members 'just because', praises then vilifies 'trusted' 'good' people he hired who he twitteringly loved just days before, hires hookers then pays them to shut up, then denies it, jesus christ. What does it take to get through to you quislings? Even if you only agree with half of his demented claims, you're bamboozled. The world sees it. Not to mention Sane Americans who've had enough of republican Criminality. What do you think you gain from all this? Just republican indifference. You mean nothing to them. Nothing.

Yo this guy is fucking craaaaaaazy. Holy shit man hahaha. Here's a screenshot in case this maniac deletes it:

What a hero, lol. Can you send me a framed copy?

Are you threatening my mother of all people with sexual assault?


No, it was consensual. I just greased my dick with cookie butter and it was all her from that moment until the next morning. Old people gravitate towards sweets. Woo. Wore me out, she did. The elderly sure do miss sex when their spouses get life for pedophilia. Sorry bout your dad, but kid diddling isa crime.

Disgusting. But this is what I expect from the alt-right

Script flip attempt #20,045. ALL Redditors know the O&A is T_D junior.

And yet you're the only person posting about sexually abusing the elderly and pedophilia. Maybe that type of talk is acceptable in the Bill Burr sub I don't know, but frankly, I don't want to

These guys aren't republicans or conservatives or trump supporters, just racists that can enjoy the anonymity of the internet and find companionship and fun with other online racists.

You suck.

Says the guy (gal?) who is now stalking me through old posts. Sick, sick, sick. You are obsessed. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings so badly. I'm soooo soooo sorry. lol.

So you don't actually practice what you preach? Strength of your convictions and all that?

Weak. Sad and weak. Little. Little man. (Or girl, you are who you want to be, lol)

I'm picking up on some sexism and a little bit of transphobia from your last comment. Idk what you do over in r/billburr but that kind of talk won't be tolerated here buster

Nope, full support for LGBTQ. Nice try at flipping the script, though. Well I thought i'd just stop but you people are incorrigable fuckwits. Not one of you can produce a cogent point or argument. Just nothing but hate. I can't even imagine what it must be like to live in a constant state of ignorance and stupidity. Lots of us just have pity for you. Really. We want you to escape your parent's indoctrinations.

You are such a faggot

Homophobes are generally closeted homosexuals. Just look at all the rePukes who claimed otherwise until they finally came out. There are DOZENS. The list of convicted rePuke pedophiles? Long as god's dick.

Since you love data so much I know a fella that would love to show you some violent crime statistics that will really blow your tits off

Are you really threatening me in public? Is that what this is? I know it's a tactic of the extreme right. Just ask Cohen. Or any number of others who've crossed family valued 'republicans'.

Or are you going to post that helpful link to violent crime statistics?

Better hurry, government agencies will probably note how long your prepared data took to post.

What was threatening about that post? You're unhinged, dude. Get help. We all want to see you break your parent's indoctrinations

Where's that data you promised this 'fella' might deliver to me? Link please. Or explain what you meant instead of becoming suspiciously defensive. Please.

I'm not the fella. I was having a conversation with my good friends Colin and Ron the other day. Colin mentioned there's a disproportionate amount of a certain group of people committing violent crimes. In fact it's over half of these crimes being committed by only 13% of the population! I was really surprised by this fact, but Ron took offense to it. He was annoyed that I had become friends with Colin ever since my incident a few years ago. Ron said he wanted me to go back to the way I used to be, but I think he's just overly sensitive sometimes. I got lost can you help me?

Ooooo, nice recovery, bro. You're not a racist at all! How could I possibly have ever been confused by you and all the other stalwart humanists here in the O&A 'commune'.

Bigly apologies!

Tremendous bigly!

lol you just think you're so fucking witty don't you? You've got nothing.

I'm sorry. I can tell you can't parse it all. It's nothing to be ashamed of; the world needs ditch diggers, too.

It's not that I can't "parse" it. It's that it's just not good or insightful. You suck.

No offense, but who you are as a person is dogshit and you should try being anyone else.


You may just be the biggest fuck faggot I've seen in my time on Reddit. Let me tell you, that is some feat seeing as the whole site is faggotopia.

'Feat'. That's a $10 word around here.

Generally, you all say exactly the same things with slight, unimaginitive variations. Like you have no thoughts of your own. Like you've been programmed.

I have some spare time while watching TV (because i'm unemployed and sucking the government teat, lol, just kidding, but I know that's one of the right's favorite delusions) You insufferable jackasses are fun to play with. You are a side amusement.

Honestly, I thank you. Living under Don the Con has been stressful for most of Sane America, I appreciate the diversion.

If it weren't for the immaturity and cowardice of u/cumia_box I wouldn't even be here. If this sub were any branch of the military you'd all reward him with the Full Metal Jacket "soap in a sock" party.

I wouldn't approve of that.


You talk like somebody with mental illness.

Is that it? Lol.

How fast you're responding is also a good indication that you are having a bout of mania.

Nah, just an iPad next to me while I watch TV. You're a secondary amusement. Interesting that you ignored the content of my comment. You like penis, don't you? You know, the slit in particular? Such an odd thing to focus on. It's very specific. Uncreative for a username. But specific. Do you put things there? I've seen some videos of some twisted shit like urethra inserts and stuff, and some really sick ones where they put maggots in their dickslit. Just, you know, a curious thing you want people to know you by. Ya know? You ever slide a q-tip in there? Greased up? Dickslit. Weird. Almost like it's a secret fetish, ya know but public, "haha people will think i'm being ironic". Yeah. Hey. The japanese would slide a glass rod up POW's dickslits then break it inside. My grandfather told me about that. He went down with the Indianapolis in WW2, watched his buddies get eaten by sharks. One. By. One. All those 2 days wondering when it would be his turn. Broken glass in your urethra. Imagine that. "Dickslit", what a strange choice for a username.

How good is the wifi in your particular mental asylum?


You've proven yourself to be completely psychotic dude. Stop while you're way behind.

'Feat'. That's a $10 word around here.

If you say so

Generally, you all say exactly the same things with slight, unimaginitive variations.

You spelled 'unimaginative' wrong. That's a $20 word around here

Shrug. One of you white apes can spell properly. Quelle surprise.

Most intelligent people respond to the content, not the misspelling.

And most intelligent people don't mispell words that second graders can. Better luck next time

Fat fingers, what can I say? Your mom likes my fat fingers. She had no complaints even covered in cookie butter. Did she work a war zone? She knows a lot of dirty things. It was hard to concentrate on my framed reddit comment over the back of her old gray head with all her exotic vaginal techniques. Definite asian influences.

Fat fingers, what can I say?

I don't know, probably something

Your mom likes my fat fingers. She had no complaints even covered in cookie butter. Did she work a war zone? She knows a lot of dirty things. It was hard to concentrate on my framed reddit comment over the back of her old gray head with all her exotic vaginal techniques. Definite asian influences.

There it is. Thanks for the jerk material, fatso

Funny how you deleted your other post after trying to call out someone else for deleting theirs, even though they didn't. You really must be a faggot, huh?

Good one.

Yeah, someone posted that picture of Nia twerking and getting spanked by that male stripper and everyone chimed in defending her because “the stripper was gay”

So I posted a screenshot of that weird short video/ soft core porn trailer and said it was okay because the actor is probably gay(for which I was downvoted)

Nia is an embarrassment to Bill. She's the antithesis of all of his past comedy preachings. I refuse to believe the people that like this era of Bill were never fans when he was in his prime.

I saw him yesterday in glasgow, it was a cash grab. Nothing wrong with that i guess but as someone who has followed his stuff for years one thing is totally clear, its just a cash grab. But why suffer for "art" when you can make 1.5 mill a year

But summers end as they always do and one minute I was eating falafel and going to museums and the next minute I was sobbing at LAX.

... then two paragraphs later

I starting shaking like a Chihuahua, sobbing uncontrollably and broke out into a rash that no doctor could explain.

Sounds like he found a mentally stable one.

Always make sure you have plenty of good stuff in your comment history before venturing onto Mainland reddit. I have been posting in /r/SexyHorsesWithErections in preparation for posting in /r/PoliticalHumor

Lol that's good. Also just comment on /r/The_Donald (a name they treat like saying "Voldemort") at least once and they'll claim you're a MAGA TROLL for all time.

why is that not a real subreddit tho

Dammit Cumia_Box, you baited this faggot into our subreddit.

They Live

J is for Nigger

Why do those faggots even listen to what Bill Burr says...?

He's just a dumb white guy: what does he know?

Daily posts on how troubling white men, posted by white men.

Nia's pimp hand is strong. Under the threat of assault - Bill has carved out a new niche audience of super woke, self-loathing, white faggots who kneel in their living rooms during national anthem of an NFL game.

When Bill started to express opinions that were contrary to Nia's vision- she made Bill take his dog out back & beat it to death with a frying pan.

Then after burying the dog - Bill was made to change the diaper of "their" baby - the one w/ the skintone of a struck match.

Just because you weren't intelligent enough to understand Bill's irony doesn't mean educated people couldn't. Even in the old days, he was making fun of you cultural dregs. You heard the words but couldn't understand their meaning. Sad. Bigly sad. Covefefe sad.

shut the fuck up nigger lover

There it is! The true face of the O&A Klan. I hope you never have children. The thought that you might fill their minds with your racist sewage is depressing. But then, who'd fuck you? That you didn't pay for, I mean. Or rape. In your trailer. Single wide, not double wide. I imagine you can't afford a double. To rent, I mean. No one's giving you credit, amirite?! Nighty night! Oh wait, you probably have the graveyard shift at the mini-mart. My bad. Sorry. Sorry.


can you repeat that? I think your phone crapped out

Never bought a cell phone. Suckers spend their lives staring into cellphones like self absorbed zombies. Sheep, every one.


I am 10 years on reddit not once did I go through someones history lol thats just low, people do that when they have 0 arguments left.


lol r/billburr poster hahah

“Ah ok; you guys don’t need to respond to him because he posts in yucky subreddits. I bet he says things like ‘black’, and ‘faggots’

All blacks are faggots.

CALLED IT. Crisis averted.

I’m gonna go do some adulting and take my doggo to the doctor because I’m his hooman. AWESOMESAUCE!”

Bill "I'm an angry white millionaire living on the west side" Burr

Most of Burr’s current fans probably have no clue about his comedy upbringing. If you played them a sizzle reel of his OnA highlights, they’d be shocked and appalled. Same types who couldn’t turn on Louie fast enough in his time of weakness. Bill better hope for his sake that Nia doesn’t start spreading malicious allegations on social media about his true nature after their inevitable estrangement. All of these people will take the side of the strong beautiful fierce black princess.

Apparently so

When you replace white with Jewish it all makes sense. They're just too stupid to realize Shmolie Goldbergsteinowitz isn't white.

No because by virtue of being white we automatically are the enemy and any dislike of a person for any reason is due to our race.... child.

Guy makes an argument about how and why it’s probably not about Nia being black.

You’re wrong, its absolutely about Nia being black.

What is good enough for people like that? Clearly proclaiming yourself as not racist isn’t enough

By allowing 60's infantile loudmouths to start tearing down centuries of culture and good manners.

He actually used the "children" line. This is great.

Dont you know that if the black folk of America had the same amount of time away from slavery they too would have come up with all that stuff. He said that, on stage 24 hours ago.

lol r/billburr poster hahah

Come on man, just give me a "who hurt you". I'm so close to faggot bingo.

Go for broke, honey child