Retarded flat earth faggot.

150  2019-03-01 by RBuddCumia


I noticed a lot of black people are into the flat earf.

kinda shows the level of intellect you have to posses

Shut up

I’d say idiot savant.

The earth is flat.

I forget. why are they lying about the earth?

It's population control. If they push the narrative that the idea of a flat earth is absurd, people will continue to topple off it accidentally and perish into space. Where do you think the phrase "fell off the face of the earth" came from? Every year the secret department of senate committee tribunal hearings pays out six billion dollars to families of people who have died from falling off the world. It's hush money. You just gotta look into it.


There is no space, spacecasebassface.

Would it flip if everyone lived on the edge?

Only if everyone jumped at the same time.

That's what I feared.

Lucky China and India are kind of in the middle otherwise the Giant turtle we're sitting on might tip over and then we'd be FUCKED.

No one is lucky that China & India exist.

My concern is that that the island will capsize

Its funny you ask but some media personalities get so rich they find out the truth and try to warn the masses.

Take for example Aerosmith with their 90s "hit" 'living on the edge'

Living on the edge, you can't help yourself from falling. Living on the edge, you cant help yourself at all.

While at one time being a warning about the population flipping the disc its also a warning about standing up to big earth and their coverups.

Thank you very much. It's becoming increasingly difficult to have a frank, open exchange re. this subject, and I feel heartened by your courage.

there is a few reasons and it depends on which end of the retard scale you are on. most common I think is: if the gov can convince you the earth is round then they can convince you of anything and their psyop is complete.

Irony being that -- and this is just a paranoid guess -- I think a lot of the belief in Flat Earth is a kind of psyop to find out just how far people will go to believe obviously retarded and dumb horseshit. I started thinking that after I found out that a lot of the people who push this shit are the most extreme, FBI infested wings of the White Nationalist movement. There's probably more FBI agents in these groups than actual members.

i wouldnt be surprised if we found out that government was using flat earth to make all conspiracy theorists be insane.

the only counter argument against that is it seems like that 1 weirdo (who also made the dinosaurs are fake videos) is the one that reignited this. a lot of creators piled on the trend because he was getting views and they wanted in.

Ok for 1, anyone actually guilty of something LOVES conspiracy theories because they are so far from the truth they make everyone more likely to believe anything but the truth and even deny facts in front of them. But also people in power love conspiracy theorists because they perpetuate the biggest lie, that a group of self centered idiots could pull of the greatest schemes and cons and cover ups making them appear far more threatening than the bumbling idiots they tend to be.

And two, if you were able to discover white supremacist groups that have FBI agents in them, and the general ratio of agents to members, you're either in said white supremacist groups or you're in the FBI or you're full of shit hahaha

i mean there has been actual conspiracy theories that were proven to be right. they are not as sexy as the original claims but they are still a big deal.

and i dont know any white supremacist groups nor do i claim to seek them sir.

Follow the $ bro

Because they need to convince you the earth is round and space is real so they can fake alien invasions

thats a realllly long con

So wait, how does it work again? Is it like when you get to the edge of a map in free-roam video game and it just forces you back into the playable area?

I think there’s an ice wall that stops you or something

As Alex Jones said, "there's big ice caps and cats pushing things off".

If Alex Jones is the only adult in the room being the most lucid and sensible it's time to rethink your life.

When he was giving his "the world is a pizza" analogy that's the first thing I thought. "Think of it like a pizza, you can fly anywhere on the pizza..." so yeah, what you go left to right then when you hit the edge of the right you appear back on the left of the pizza like pacman? Fucking retard.

It's annoying to me that people believe this shit because it's such an obvious disinformation ploy. There's fucked up shit going on out there, whether it's the wealthy elite who pull puppet strings of the politicians, or some Hollywood pedophile ring. Shit like saying the earth is flat is specifically meant to make you sound stupid even if you figured out some other legit fucked up shit going on, you are instantly discredited. I used to waste brain energy on conspiracy theories but now it's like fuck it, this Chinese place has good fried dumplings, and I think I could fuck that dorky cashier at the Rite Aid.

Rite Aid ???

The drug store I grab beer from sometimes... The nerdy young self conscious chick that works there commented "Hey we have the same birthday" when she checked my ID last time. Which she might as well have said "I wanna lick you from where your shit comes put, all the way up to your pee-pee tip!"

Best of luck

She was born in 1980?!?!?!?!?!!?

And I thought I hat was in a drought

Believing that the Earth is flat isn't that much more retarded than believing that Kubrick directed the moon landing, the twin towers were blown up, the Podestas murdered toddlers in a pizza restaurant, or the entire town of Sandy Hook was populated by crisis actors.

If you actually identified a pedophile ring or an illegal campaign donation, you wouldn't be dismissed just because some retard somewhere believes the Earth is flat. But if you mean that you want to find a restaurant logo with a swirl in it and then sperg out online about how 30% of the population are pedophile elites, then yes... you will be lumped in with the rest of the fools.

Lol, the Pizzagate thing is fucking hysterical.

Rather than conducting their nefarious affairs on private property, these people who have managed to gain control of a nation are simultaneously so arrogant and stupid that they decide fuck and murder children at a place of business subject to health inspections in a highly populated commercial area with minimum wage employees and customers racing around upstairs.

Seriously, fellas. I've "seen the documents" and you are all powerfully fucking stupid.

How dare you? I’m trying to prove to the world that the government blasted away building 7 with an energy weapon and you’re trying to make me look stupid by associating me with that totally unbelievable pizzagate crap!

sorry chappy. flat earth is the ultimate red pill.

There's a dumpy looking negro girl at my local Walgreens that I might go for if/when I get desperate enough. Best of luck on your endeavors, sir.

I used to be into conspiracy theories until I realized that true or not, my knowledge of them had no bearing on anything so i stopped caring.

A Rite Aid??!

It’s more akin to those shitty invisible walls that FPS games used to have, and some shitty games still do.

"Open world" games have made that shit unplayable. Call of Duty story mode where you want to go right but there is a bunch of burned out tanks blocking the street, so you have to go left through a certain alley, that shit is gay. "Use stealth, sneak around the guards" fuck you dude! I have an AK for a reason and it ain't for doing faggot shit!

It’s even gayer in a stealth based game because the whole point of stealth is to problem solve. If they just point you in one direction, what the fuck is the point? They’re just throwing arbitrary rules out there like assholes.

It's time you get another frame of reference for things besides video games you disappointing faggot.

I'll have you know sir, I am almost 6'1" tall, and I once made out with a (female) gold medal winning US hockey player, and we probably would've gotten married, except our schedules clashed.

I bet "she" looked like Owen Hart.

You pick on my video game references only to make a wrastling comparison? She's a solid (and sturdy) 4.5 though, you are correct.

Certain references are from the show, like an Owen Hart reference.

Are you talking about the RiteAid chick again?

I'm all in.

Naw bro, a different average looking bitch. That's what most guys get wrong, they wanna fuck "hot girls". That's a rookie mistake. I'm a blue eyed white male with a chiseled jaw line and an 8" penis (it doesn't work, I drink too much). I could fuck 7's or 8's, but those bitches have very high expectations. Go find a dumpy/dorky broad, shove shit up her asshole, do whatever weird shit you want to her, the next day she say "yeah, you can borrow my car, here's $40, just bring me back a kit-kat"

A while back I wanted to just find out what they think so I looked at a video and here's how fucking stupid they are: This guy thought that if we're spinning around and in motion then 'Why can't you just take off in a Helicopter and wait for your destination to spin beneath you if we're spinning?'

That's the level we're dealing with.

Tesla had some theory and design ideas about something like this, it was like a giant ring you could build around the whole planet and basically do a thing like "this." Except his was based in actual science/research. (It was far fetched, but look at all the other shit that guy came up with.)

Edgy Brah vo

Alex Jones put up $1 million for Eddie to go to the South Pole and Eddie declined saying that he was too scared. What an idiot.

The delusion becomes so important to them that it would be like giving up a drug or a limb. I think people get addicted to these kinds of things.

Or like your Tumblr or deviant art accounts

The globe is a lie!

Eddie Bravo is quite possibly more retarded than Joe Cumia.

Eddie Bravo - "Retarded Faggot"

Alex 'Interdimensional Pedo Vampires' Jones - "Actually, he's right about a lot of stuff. You should check it out."

cooler than you


I love when morons double-down. He's a perfect example why science could never be trusted to a dopey ape. It requires the ability to learn and move forward, not pretend to be right because of pride and resenting your true nature as a cocksucker.

There’s a way into the center of the earth through the South Pole where the Nazis escaped to by UFO. GOOGLE IT

Eddie Bravo is just a really committed troll and it's kind of embarrassing that this sub has fallen for it, Before he was all in on conspiracies and after his last big project (Renato Laranja) had died down he pretty much said on a podcast how dumb conspiracy theorists are and then a couple of weeks later he was acting like one and has been since.

Look I hate Alex Jones, but if there was anyone who truly doesn't deserve to have a platform it's Eddie Bravo, and he has even more people watching him and taking him seriously...they are on board with every conspiracy this astonishingly stupid and likely very mentally ill man pontificates on about

I've never heard less critical thinking or logic before in my life. His mind blowing retardation is second only to Joe.

"human pig hybrid chimeras "

Eddie bravo is actually the only cool one. He is just clown i my around. Good for his 10th planet businesses.

His dad used to beat him with a globe so he thinks the earth is flat

Should have said map.

a lot of them accept that the moon and the other planets are round. for some dumb reason it's just the earth that's flat.

Its actually seven GIANT Space TURTLES standing on each others backs. Flat Earth is perched upon the back of the 7th one.

You guys think the earth is round? Retards watch more youtube videos and educate yourselves.

i wouldnt be surprised if we found out that government was using flat earth to make all conspiracy theorists be insane.

the only counter argument against that is it seems like that 1 weirdo (who also made the dinosaurs are fake videos) is the one that reignited this. a lot of creators piled on the trend because he was getting views and they wanted in.

Or like your Tumblr or deviant art accounts