Meanwhile, at the Compound - NSFW

7  2019-03-01 by revt1


Just why

Would bang the furthest to the left.

I mean what went on up there?!? POPPERS and WEIRD SEX!!!

I just had a couple of beers.

Some regular family stayed in this room the next night. Also, why do you have this?

If the option is available I'd choose a trailer in a campground. At least you know that only meth has been cooked in there

People who are this much into sex bother me. When I was young I remember hearing that Hugh Hefner said that he’d rather play chess than have sex because he was bored with it. I thought he was crazy but the older I get the more I understand. It seems like it is so much effort to be into kinky shit. I can make myself cum in like 3 minutes so why would I want to spend time tying knots and being like “yeah do you like that bitch? Call me daddy.”

Some are bi and some are gay Fellas who are very strange QUEER DUDES

the arrows on the arse are helpful.

If the option is available I'd choose a trailer in a campground. At least you know that only meth has been cooked in there