Greenstein went to Jimmy and gave him the ultimatum: Be like Anthony and lose your job or tone it down to room temperature. Guess what the little worm did?

17  2019-03-01 by TweetsOfDoom


Took an ice bath

Stole 60 grand from lonely truckers, parlayed that in to Chaturbate tokens and blew it all on a transsexual Viking?

Made girls 30 years younger than him feel uncomfortable and alienated any friends he has left by incessantly babbling about addiction and perverted shit?

that time sam riberts came on here and called greenstein a starfucker

resigned for 3 years. scoreboard.

Ant got fired for being racist on Twitter.

Jimmy raped an underage girl after plying her with alcohol in their studio.

Nice values, Sirius XM.

Nobody's perfect.

Any word on the Chip cartoon extras?

Get on your CB radio and ask the local truckers

Nobody's perfect.