Joe Rogan and Alex Jones should permanently do shows together, what a great shitshow yesterday was

44  2019-03-01 by willfalls2


He prefaced it with a Dr. Phil appearance and today he had David Lee Roth. Batshit comes in droves.

I’m ranting!

Yeah just get rid of the Joe Rogan part & it'd be great.

These rogan shows w alex r better than solo jones. Rogan is the straight man that sets alex off into new stratospheres. You kinda need them both, thats the magic.

I fucking hate Eddie Bravo so much it’s unbelievable. Still, it’s sort of magical when those 3 buffoons get together...

If they had a no-format show together like the old O&A shit, I’d subscribe.

Yeah that's what it reminded me of, it was just them shooting shit but joe kept the "hold on" yelling to a minimum and moderated it pretty well. I don't get why Opie had to yell like a parent to the comics when they would rift and tell stories.

because he’s a big-titted imbecile.

username checks out.

edit; thanks for the gold!

Eddie bravo is funny when you get that he is a dunce but he seems like a good dude. I actually love these 3 ass clowns haahaha

You probably believe the earth is round too

Redban used to be a wildcard. I thought he was funny sometimes, but that jamie is boring and just sucks. He does an easy job, and doesn't add anything other than googling shit. Easiest Job ever.


Just Imagine Alex Jones with Elon Musk. That Podcast would be absolutely nuts. Talking about Aliens, ect.

Alex Jones and Mel Gibson. Alex Jones and that Pussy Henry Rollins. Alex Jones and Jordan Peterson.


Joe could at LEAST bring him in sometimes. Alex can't have a show, and everyone loves to see a shitshow.